The UUA's Church Of The Larger Fellowship And Restorative Justice For ALL Victims Of Unitarian Universalist Clergy Abuse - What's The Connection?

In today's Daily Compass blog post entitled 'Abundance' the UUA's 'Church Of The Larger Fellowship' posted the following words -

The world, it turns out, is full of succulent fruit that we have never tasted, lovely sights we have never seen, fascinating people whom we will never meet. It’s easy to regret missing out on so much, but what a miracle that the world is so full of wonders that we can never taste or see or meet them all!

What one thing that you have never experienced would you most like to encounter?

I responded to that question with the following comment which will almost certainly not be posted to the censored CLF blog -

Genuine restorative justice for ALL victims of ALL forms (of) UU clergy abuse.

And so it goes U*Us. . .
