Rev. Tom Schade Inadvertently Impales Peacebang And Her Big Fat U*U Enablers At The UUA On Their Dated And Pathetic Rhetoric. . .

Without further ado here is the new and improved, typo corrected and hyperlink added, version of a comment that I just submitted in response to Rev. Thomas Robert Schade's brand-spanking new 'Spiritual Liberals' blog post -

"Doesn't the talk of the diabolical jihadis, and the subversive gays, and invading hordes of immigrants, and the government that is coming for their guns sound an (sic) little dated, and almost pathetic."

LOL! Doesn't the Big Fat U*U Talk of anally impaling Republican senators on the Statue of Liberty's torch, and the "blasphemous libel" of The Emerson Avenger, indeed ever so "liberal" and "progressive" Boston based Unitarian Universalists falsely accusing Your's Truly of the archaic crime of blasphemous libel in a shameful and stunningly hubristic attempt to cover-up and hide the fact that *some* U*U ministers actually have engaged in such despicable crimes as pedophilia and rape, sound a little dated, and even pathetic?

BTW Tom, how could you possibly forget to add that iconic symbol of Unitarianism known as the question mark aka ? to the end of your Big Fat U*U Question? I dare say that *that* Big Fat U*U Sin Of Omission is positively blasphemous. :-)


Anonymous said…
I wonder what his blathering would be if he had lost his legs and maybe a loved one in the Boston bombings. Would he be too concerned with why these two misunderstood and essentially lovable human beings would become Jihadist killers as members of the religion of peace? Oh yes, that evil shortsighted response of 2001 to mass murder marks my end of relationship with the UUA and my local church due to their "hug a terrorist philosophy" vs my "kill the sob's" stance.
Robin Edgar said…
Funny how U*Us fall all over themselves to "hug a terrorist" as you put it but are pathologically averse to even respectfully listening to a critic of U*U injustices, abuses and hypocrisy. . .