A Free And Responsible Search For The Truth And Meaning Of Peacebang's Big Fat U*U Fantasy Life

Which includes, but is by NO means limited to. . .

Peacebang's Big Fat U*U Sodomy Fantasy which obscenely and quite Sadistically imagined "South Dakota state senator Bill Napoli anally impaled on the Statue of Liberty's torch", seems to be one way of observing the 4th day of Chalica 2013. . .

No U*Us?

I think that I will enter into today's free and responsible search for the Truth and meaning of Peacebang's Big Fat U*U Fantasy Life by freely and (ir)responsibly plagU*Urizing this Facebook post that Peacebang posted earlier today on the 4th Day of Chalica 2013.

Interesting to note how Peacebang revises her Big Fat U*U Life Fantasies along the way. . .

When Peacebang was a child and a teen, she thought she wanted to be a Broadway performer. Now, knowing how hard they work and how much life sacrifice is involved in being at a theatre every night working your Big Fat U*U Kiester off, Peacebang says "No Way" (although a limited run in a great cameo role in a John Waters movie like 'Female Trouble' would be a Big Fat U*U Blast for Peacebang).

For much of Peacebang's adult life as the altar ego of the
small town pastor known as Rev. Victoria Weinstein, serving the historic New England Unitarian Universalist congregation known as First Parish Norwell, anally impaling South Dakota state senator Bill Napoli on the Statue of Liberty's torch was a Big Fat U*U Life Fantasy. That Big Fat U*U Sodomy Fantasy seems to have been taken down aka deleted aka "memory holed" by Peacebang, but it was long ago resurrected and preserved for Big Fat U*U Posteriority by Your's Truly, and has taken on a life of its own. . .

Now that Rev. Victoria Weinstein has a wonderful life and home of her own at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Greater Lynn in Swampscott Massachusetts, it's just not a Big Fat U*U Priority of Peacebang to have a Big Fat U*U Life Fantasy. Peacebang thought it would be good to hang around living without a
Big Fat U*U Life Fantasy, but she found that it took away some of the spring in her step, and that a rich fantasy life is a source of oxygen to her Big Fat U*U Soul.

Peacebang has a new
Big Fat U*U Life Fantasy. It's been deeply buried out of a fear that Peacebang mustn't be SO ambitious, and mustn't pass more Big Fat U*U Ammunition to The Emerson Avenger. . . but of course Peacebang must!

And why not U*Us?

The whole point of a Big Fat U*U Fantasy, such as the fantasy of successfully prosecuting The Emerson Avenger for alleged "threatening and defamatory conduct amounting to sexual harassment" against Rev. Dr. Victoria Weinstein for blogging about Peacebang's very own Big Fat U*U Sodomy Fantasy, which itself can be quite justifiably described as
being "threatening and defamatory conduct amounting to sexual harassment" (if not Big Fat U*U Death Threats. . .) against Republican state senator William Napoli, is that it will probably never happen. . . but it never-the-less holds aloft and alive Peacebang's giddiest dreams and her highest self-understanding.

So from The Emerson Avenger to you, U*Us, keep your Big Fat U*U Fantasies to yourself, whether they are worthy of your Big Fat U*U Soul or NOT. . .

I'm not sure how posting your
Big Fat U*U Fantasies to the internet, or sharing them with Stikeman Elliott litigation lawyers, honors and upholds ANY of the Seven Principles of The U*U Movement, let alone the 4th Principle, I just know that very often it doesn't. . .

Much better for you U*Us to keep your Big Fat U*U Fantasies out of The Emerson Avenger's sight, to say nothing of God's sight. . .

Because, to plagU*Urize a few choice words from Peacebang's Beauty Tips For Ministers blog,

You U*Us are in the public eye, and God knows you U*Us need to look good.

No U*Us?
