Life's A Bitch And So Is Rev. Dr. Victoria Weinstein aka Peacebang aka Vicki The Impaler!

But don't take *my* word for it U*Us. . .

Take the word of that loud and ever so proud Big Fat U*U Bitch *the* Reverend Doctor Victoria Weinstein herself. . .

As posted to her Facebook account on the 2nd Day of Chalica Tuesday December 3rd, 2013 -

Let's talk about the word "Bitch." I just want everyone to know that I embrace and reclaim it in the spirit of my drag queen icon RuPaul and her sisters, in the spirit of defiant love and affection for women's indomitable strength, humor and solidarity. My use of the word "bitch" is totally grounded in my theatre community's use of the term of endearment. I am sorry if I offended or hurt anyone for whom the term grates with misogynist bitterness. I will also share that I have been called a "fat bitch" many times (every time I speak up for myself) and my response is always, "Yes I am, honey. Was that supposed to be an insult?"

end quote

In light of the fact that just 18 months ago Rev. Victoria Weinstein formally accused me of sexual harassing her for using that ever so theatrical "term of endearment" to describe her in a few The Emerson Avenger blog posts, I find it deliciously ironic that on a day that is dedicated to affirming and promoting the 2nd Principle of Unitarian Universalism which calls for "justice, equity and compassion in human relations", Rev. Dr. Victoria Weinstein aka Peacebang not only proudly and publicly proclaimed herself to be a "bitch" (indeed a "fat bitch" no less), but she effectively discredited her highly questionable sexual harassment accusation(s) against me that she has obstinately refused to formally withdraw for over eighteen months now. . . 

I am beginning to feel rather sorry for one Maitre Marc-André Coulombe, who must be wondering why in God's name he ever took on the Big Fat U*U Bitch known U*U World-wide as Peacebang aka Rev. Dr. Victoria Weinstein as a client in the first place. I mean *really*. . . with such big-mouthed "fat bitch" clients like Rev. Dr. Vicki The Impaler who needs enemies? LOL!

In fact, I only used the word "bitch" to describe Peacebang in the first place precisely because she had apparently quite proudly informed me that,

"I'm known far and wide as a bitch, for instance. So there it is."

in an "electronic communication" aka email that she sent to me years and years and years ago. . . indeed almost 8 years ago now in early December of 2005.

I dare say that I had reasonable grounds to believe that Peacebang aka Rev. Dr. Vicki The Impaler might even be quite appreciative my efforts to reinforce and enhance her apparently long sought and well-earned credentials as a loud and proud "Big Fat U*U Bitch".

Dare I opportunistically take this opportunity to pointedly point out to Rev. Dr. Victoria Weinstein aka Peacebang, her negligent and complicit UUA enablers, and her no doubt increasingly exasperated Stikeman Elliott attorney Maitre Marc-André Coulombe that publicly proclaiming that you
"embrace and reclaim" being called a "bitch", and furthermore asserting that you *always* say,

"Yes I am (a "fat bitch"), honey. Was that supposed to be an insult?"

Or would that be. . . 

"Yes I am (a "fat bitch")! Did you have another, less obvious observation to make?"

when someone calls you a "fat bitch", at the very same time that you are formally accusing a person of inherent worth and dignity of sexual harassing you for using that "term of endearment" known as "the word bitch" to describe you, is what is commonly known as "sucking and blowing at the same time"?

Gotta love Facebook's "see edit history" function. No U*Us?

And so it goes U*Us. . .
