Rev. Sky Williams-Tao And Unitarian Universalist Clergy Sexual Misconduct Cover-Up And Denial - What's The Connection?
It seems that one Sky Williams aka Rev. Sky Williams-Tao has written a paper titled 'A Brief History of Unitarian Universalist Clergy Sexual Misconduct'
which I would say is recommended reading for anyone who is concerned
about clergy sexual misconduct in the Unitarian Universalist
"religion". I came across it some time ago, but was reminded about it
today when I ran a Google search for:
Mack Mitchell rape Fellowship
ran that search because I was looking for a specific web page about how
the UUA's aptly named Ministerial *Fellowship* Committee only got
around to "defellowshipping" convicted rapist Rev. Mack Wallace Mitchell
months (if not a year or more. . .) after he was convicted of raping a teenage Tibetan refugee
in May 1992. That particular Google search found several other web
pages that contain information about how Rev. Mack Mitchell was
convicted of repeatedly raping a vulnerable Tibetan refugee who he had
lured away from her family in India with promises of "a better life in
America", including this article in the Winter 2014 UU World which "sanitizes" the Mack Mitchell story, and this The Emerson Avenger blog post
from 2006 which doesn't. . . That blog post is no doubt among the blog
posts that the Unitarian Universalist Association's Canadian attorney,
Maître Marc-André Coulombe pretended were "unfounded and vicious" when
he falsely accused me of the archaic criminal act of blasphemous libel
in this cease and desist demand letter.
Strangely enough, the specific web page that I was searching for did not show up in the search results. . .
find that interesting because, by all rights, the specific UUA hosted
web page I was looking for should have showed up in the first few pages
of search results. I have seen evidence of The Emerson Avenger blog
posts not showing up in Google search results when I search various key
words that should find TEA blog posts. This gives me reasonable grounds
to suspect that some Unitarian Universalists, including Unitarian
Universalist Association (UUA) and-or Canadian Unitarian Council (CUC)
leadership and staff. . . are probably using various methods to prevent
The Emerson Avenger blog posts from showing up in Google search results.
that's one or two ways in which Rev. Sky Williams-Tao is connected to Unitarian
Universalist clergy sexual misconduct cover-up and denial, but there are
others. . .
Please be assured that I am not accusing Rev. Sky Williams-Tao
of being actively involved in Unitarian Universalist clergy sexual
misconduct cover-up and denial, they're just indirectly connected to it as per UUism's 7th Principle
which speaks of "the interdependent web of all existence". That being
said, my position may change if I find evidence of Rev. Sky Williams-Tao knowingly
and willfully concealing the Truth about Unitarian Universalist clergy
sexual misconduct aka UUA clergy sex abuse, or otherwise being involved in clergy sexual misconduct cover-up and denial. For the time being, Sky Williams-Tao is very much in my "good books" for not only having written 'A Brief
History of Unitarian Universalist Clergy Sexual Misconduct', but for having posted their paper to the internet aka "The Web" so that this "brief history" is available to be read by
anyone who's concerned about Unitarian Universalist clergy sexual misconduct matters.
Indeed The Emerson Avenger is quite pleased
and gratified to read that, according to Rev. Sky Williams-Tao, he is a "hero"
because he is numbered among the Unitarian Universalist "heroes" who
"came forward despite social pressure with stories of Unitarian
Universalist ministers harassing and abusing them" and "who fought for
years and years and years and who fight still for better practices and
understanding around clergy sexual misconduct."
This aligns very well with U*U blogger Cranky Cindy's designation of The Emerson Avenger as a Transcendentalist Super Hero over 16 years ago. . . :-)