Truth In U*U Advertising aka What The Ever So "Hard Core" Peacebang Probably Would Not Want To See In UUA Marketing Materials aka U*U Tracts. . .
How about an image of an inherently edgy and not "nice" U*U minister anally impaling a U.S. state senator on the Statue of Liberty's torch Peacebang?
Or maybe an image of an inherently edgy and not "nice" U*U minister kicking an alleged thief in the teeth?
Perhaps an image of an inherently edgy and not "nice" U*U minister trying to ward of some kind of Transcendentalist Super Vampire with a life-size crucifix that still is somehow unable to keep him at bay?

Oh ya. . .
Beauty Tips for Ministers -
"Because you’re in the public eye, and God knows you need to look good."
Such a shame that Rev. Victoria Weinstein apparently believes that this "need to look good" in the proverbial "public eye" applies only to the clothes that ministers wear and the mascara and/or other cosmetics aka "make up" they may apply to their two faces. . .
Update: Peacebang deleted aka "memory holed the above comment so I decided to repost the following "new and improved" version in honor of Mr. U*U BDSM Desmond Ravenstone, Rev. Mack Mitchell, and Rev. Victoria Weinstein's "ravishing" parishioner Richard Buell. . .
How about an image of an inherently edgy and not “nice” U*U minister anally impaling a U.S. state senator on the Statue of Liberty’s torch Peacebang?
(I bet Mr. U*U BDSM Desmond Ravenstone would find that particular image to be quite appealing, amongst others. . . Come to think of it, how about a U*U minister modeled on Rev. Mack Mitchell “ravishing” a helpless teenage Tibetan refugee tied to the bed in his U*U “parsonage”). If that’s a bit too “image tarnishing” of U*U clergy perhaps you could just show an aging U*U lay person “ravishing” a pre-teen “female family member” or a neighbor’s daughter. Or is that just a bit *too* “kinky” for “mainstream” public consumption?
The rest of the "song" remained the same. . .