Jeremy Searle N.D.G. Mayor Wannabe And "Less Than Perfect" Montreal Unitarian U*U Puts His Big Fat U*U Foot In His Big Fat U*U Mouth Yet Again. . .

Jeremy Searle is one of those arrogant loud mouthed politicians who inspired the following saying of The Emerson Avenger long before he ever became a Transcendentalist Super Hero, or even a member of the so-called Unitarian Church of Montreal -

"I don't know if he keeps putting his foot in his mouth because his mouth is so big, or if his mouth is so big because he keeps putting his foot in it. . ."

Needless to say Jeremy Searle, former Montreal city councillor and N.D.G. mayoralty candidate, and current member of the Church of the Tarnished Image aka the Unitarian Church of Montreal, went and put his foot in it again earlier today as I was engaged in my "prophetic work" aka "alternative spiritual practice" of protesting against U*U antireligious intolerance and bigotry, the negligent and complicit mishandling of clergy misconduct complaints by the UUA and its very aptly named Ministerial *Fellowship* Committee, and other U*U injustices, abuses and hypocrisy.

Amongst other insulting and abusive things Jeremy Searle said to me within the last hour and a half or so was -

"Fuck off and die."

This was not the first time that the "less than polite" populist Montreal politian Jeremy Searle has made statements strongly suggesting that he wished that I was dead. Jeremy Searle has previously made statements to the effect that he and other Montreal Unitarians would celebrate my death with a toast of champagne. While I do not consider telling someone to "Fuck off and die" to be an actual death threat, it is none-the-less an expression of a clear desire that someone was ahem "corpse cold" in the literal sense. Hardly "becoming" behavior of a Unitarian*Universalist or indeed a Montreal politician who had, and possibly still has. . . ambitions to become the mayor of the Montreal borough of Notre Dame de Grace aka N.D.G.

That is all for now, but I will probably add more to this post later.
