The Unitarian Universalist Church Abjectly Fails And Even Obstinately Refuses To Exercise Justice, Equity, And Compassion In Human Relations

Just saying as they say. . .

Here is my comment responding to U*U blogger David G. Markham's recent blog post titled -

'Is this why the Catholic church is dying in Europe? Church fails to exercise justice, equity, and compassion in human relations.'

:The Roman Catholic church has failed, in the eyes of the Dutch, to act with justice, equity, and compassion in human relations, the 2nd principle of Unitarian Universalism. Hopefully, Unitarian Universalists deal with sexual abuse much better.

The key word here being *hopefully*. . .

Surely by now David you must realize that Unitarian*Universalists do not in fact deal with sexual abuse, or indeed non-sexual forms of clergy abuse, all *that* much better than the Roman Catholic church does. But don't take my word for it David, take the word of UUA Executive Vice President Kay Montgomery, as gleaned from the UUA's now decade old official apology to victims of clergy sexual misconduct perpetrated by U*U ministers -

"Let me say this as simply and unequivocally as I know how: the Association has largely failed the people most hurt by sexual misconduct, the victims and survivors. Other denominations have done better. These brave and bruised people have, more often than not I suspect, been left lonely, confused, afraid, angry and betrayed. Un-ministered to. . ."

Please note that *other* denominations have done better. I dare say that the Roman Catholic Church has done better than the Unitarian*Universalist religious community in *some* aspects of its response to clergy sexual misconduct.

Kay Montgomery went on to "pledge" that "this gap, this failure, will be remedied" and that the UUA would "change and learn" and "in this *untended* area" the UUA would "bend toward justice". Quite regrettably, I and other people "in the know" about the UUA's ongoing mis*handling of clergy misconduct complaints know all too well that the UUA has ahem *largely failed* to live up to the letter and the spirit of that decade old "pledge" aka promise.

And I would not hold out too much hope aka wishful thinking regarding UUA President Peter Morales' willingness to honor and uphold UU principles when it comes to clergy sexual misconduct or other forms of clergy misconduct perpetrated by "less than perfect" U*U ministers. President Morales seems to have all but completely forgotten what he wrote in his response to UU Safety Net's 'Open Letter' about clergy sexual misconduct which was addressed to both previous UUA Presidential candidates.

And I would not hold out too much hope aka wishful thinking regarding current UUA President Peter Morales' readiness, willingness, and ability to honor and uphold the claimed principles of Unitarian*Universalism when it comes to dealing with clergy sexual misconduct or other forms of clergy misconduct perpetrated by "less than perfect" U*U ministers. President Peter Morales seems to have all but completely forgotten what he wrote in his response to UU Safety Net's 'Open Letter' about clergy sexual misconduct which was addressed to both previous UUA Presidential candidates. The advocates for clergy misconduct victims who I am in touch with are of the opinion that Rev. Peter Morales has done virtually nothing to put into practice what he so emptily "preached" in his official response to UU Safety Net's 'Open Letter' well over a year and a half ago. . . President Morales is only too willing to very publicly "stand on the side of love" for *illegal* immigrants, but has yet to do anything to "stand on the side of love" for victims of clergy misconduct committed by "less than loving" U*U ministers. . .


Ruth said…
Robin, the UU church is not the only church out there guilty of this.

Because Catholic churches and Proestant churches have this problem too, and I'm sure even Jewish congregations and other religions do too, I think it's a human thing.

Which convinces me that humanity really is a slave to sin. And we do need a Savior.

At least Christians are honest about this. How on earth do UUs, many of whom do not believe in God or accept Christ's sacrifice on the cross, explain depraved human behavior like sexual abuse?