Julian Assange And The Emerson Avenger Are Both Journalists According To The *Other* U*U Science Fiction Author Will Shetterly

Butt don't take my word for it U*Us. . .

Take science fiction writer Will Shetterly's word for it, as posted in the following comments on the 'yes, Julian Assange is a journalist' post of Will's 'it's all one thing' blog -

Robin Edgar said...
The Emerson Avenger deserves every consideration that any journalist deserves even if he does "spin" information every now and then. :-)
December 9, 2010 1:58 PM

Will Shetterly said...
Robin, sure. Bloggers are self-publishing journalists.
December 9, 2010 2:34 PM

Robin Edgar said...
And bloggers who actually shoot their own photos and entertaining but also quite edU*Ucational video clips are self-publishing photo-journalists and videographers, as I tried to explain to Montreal Unitarian U*U Juan Vera one day. . .
