Rev. Tony Lorenzen Resigned From Pathways UU Church But He Didn’t Molest Anyone And Wasn’t Cheating On His Wife With A Congregation Member

He didn't steal any money from the congregation either.

But don't take *my* word for it U*Us. . .

Take Rev. Tony Lorenzen's word for it, as posted to the 'A Pastor’s Christmas as a Civilian' post of his Sunflower Chalice blog.

According to Rev. Lorenzen, he left Pathways Unitarian Universalist Church in Southlake, Texas, because he has "a deep sense of mission grounded in Universalist Christian theology and the congregation did not". . . I am somewhat surprised that Rev. Tony was unable to figure that fact out himself from Pathways Church's "Mission Statement" published on its website *before* he decided to become its minister three years ago. . .

"You are welcome at Pathways Church regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, income, or ability. Here we welcome all colors of the human race, all people of good will, whether you are Jewish, Christian, Buddhist, Muslim, Hindu, Pagan, Mystic, Atheist, Agnostic or Humanist; young or old; single or partnered; gay, lesbian, bisexual, or straight; transgender, intersex, male or female; disabled or temporarily abled. Here, we know you bring your own unique gifts to this community."

Funny how Rev. Tony Lorenzen has come to the conclusion that his own unique gifts of the Christian Universalist variety are not a good fit with Pathways Church's publicly proclaimed inclusiveness.

No U*Us?

What is even funnier is that in asserting that -

"There was no scandal, I didn’t molest anyone, I didn’t steal any money, and I wasn’t cheating on my wife with a member of the congregation."

Rev. Tony Lorenzen lists a few of the other reasons why *some* "less than perfect" Unitarian Universalist clergy are allowed to quietly resign from their UU congregation, and even to discreetly "move on" to serve yet another Unitarian Universalist "church". . . Hell, everybody knows that *some* entitled Unitarian Universalist ministers, like Rev. Dr. Forrest Church for just one Big Fat U*U *Example*, can even get away with cheating on their wife with a member of their congregation and not even have to resign as the minister of their prominent Unitarian Universalist Church.

And so it goes U*Us. . .
