Standing On The Side Of Love Clergy Shirts aka Clericals Are Hideous And Sectarian And Speak Of Deep Inauthenticity aka Big Fat U*U Fraudulence*. . .
Butt don't take *my* word for it U*Us.
Take Big Fat U*U Clergy Blogger Rev. Scott Wells' word for it. . .
As posted to the “OH, GOD, NO!”** blog post of his 'Boy In The Bands' blog reproduced below verbatim -
“OH, GOD, NO!”
This is exactly what I cried aloud — unironically — when I first saw the Standing on the Side of Love clergy shirt. Hideous and sectarian. Speaks of deep inauthenticity. Clericals are not a costume to be pulled out for dramatic effect, and certainly not shock value.
end quote
The Emerson Avenger waits with baited breath to see what Rev. Scott Wells' very good friend Rev. Victoria Weinstein aka "Vicky The Impaler" has to say about Standing On The Side Of Love clergy shirts on her Peacebang's Beauty Tips For Ministers blog. . .
Speaking of Vicki The Impaler. . .
The Emerson Avenger simply cannot restrain himself from parodying Rev. Scott Wells' "less than flattering" review of Standing On The Side Of Love clergy shirts aka clericals thusly -
This is exactly what I cried aloud — unironically — when I first saw Peacebang's "sodomy fantasy". Hideous and Sadistic. Speaks of deep anal penetration. Sodomy fantasies are not *habits* to be pulled out for dramatic effect, and certainly not shock value. . .
* Not to be confU*Used with Big Fat U*U Flatulence. . . :-)
Take Big Fat U*U Clergy Blogger Rev. Scott Wells' word for it. . .
As posted to the “OH, GOD, NO!”** blog post of his 'Boy In The Bands' blog reproduced below verbatim -
“OH, GOD, NO!”
This is exactly what I cried aloud — unironically — when I first saw the Standing on the Side of Love clergy shirt. Hideous and sectarian. Speaks of deep inauthenticity. Clericals are not a costume to be pulled out for dramatic effect, and certainly not shock value.
end quote
The Emerson Avenger waits with baited breath to see what Rev. Scott Wells' very good friend Rev. Victoria Weinstein aka "Vicky The Impaler" has to say about Standing On The Side Of Love clergy shirts on her Peacebang's Beauty Tips For Ministers blog. . .
Speaking of Vicki The Impaler. . .
The Emerson Avenger simply cannot restrain himself from parodying Rev. Scott Wells' "less than flattering" review of Standing On The Side Of Love clergy shirts aka clericals thusly -
This is exactly what I cried aloud — unironically — when I first saw Peacebang's "sodomy fantasy". Hideous and Sadistic. Speaks of deep anal penetration. Sodomy fantasies are not *habits* to be pulled out for dramatic effect, and certainly not shock value. . .
* Not to be confU*Used with Big Fat U*U Flatulence. . . :-)
Pretty ugly that is. . . ;-)
Still laughing about how U*U clergy who invest in these clerical vestments will be wearing their black hearts on their sleeve.