Shame On You Unitarian Universalist AssHats Who Are Living In A State Of Big Fat U*U Denial Of Unitarian Universalist Clergy Misconduct. . .
Last night I received the following comment on this U*UTube video of my 2009 protest in Ottawa, Ontario, during the Unitarian Universalist Ministers Convocation from a young Unitarian Universalist atheist going by the YouTube handle inquiry10 -
shame on you
Here is how I responded to that comment -
Sorry but if anyone should be ashamed it should be UUs.
My protest is entirely justified by the egregious anti-religious intolerance and bigotry that I and far too many other people have been subjected to by Unitarian Universalists in general, and Unitarian Universalist clergy in particular. And then there is the UUA's truly lamentable response to ALL manner of clergy misconduct including UU clergy sexual misconduct. . .
Shame on you for having the gall to say "shame on you" to me...
and this follow-up comment -
I hereby formally and publicly challenge you to come back here and try to justify your quite unjustified "shame on you" comment inquiry10. If you are unready, unwilling, or just plain unable to do so the Big Fat U*U Shame will be on you. . . :-)
It will be interesting to see if inquiry10 has the Big Fat U*U Audacity to come back and justify his attempt to publicly shame me. . .