Waging Peace Or Waging Hypocrisy? Take 2 UUA President Bill Sinkford

In his Holiday message UUA President William G. Sinkford aka Rev. Bill Sinkford outdoes himself in the hypocrisy department.

He begins his hypocritical Holiday message with the obligatory quote from the Dalai Lama -

"Peace is not simply the absence of war. It is not a passive state of being. We must wage peace, as vigilantly as we wage war."

The 14th Dalai Lama

Unfortunately UUA President Bill Sinkford is an outrageous hypocrite who hasn't made the slightest effort to practice what he preaches about waging peace in terms of his human relations with me. I have presented President Sinkford with several opportunities to wage peace with me over the years but, like a certain former Iraqi dictator we all know, UUA President William G. Sinkford never misses an opportunity to miss an opportunity to begin to wage peace with me. . .

President Sinkford says, "We take stock of our world and wonder what the next year will bring. A time of turning, a time of realigning our lives with our values, a time of longing for our hearts' desires."

Well Bill would be very well advised to take stock of his own U*U World, including an email that I cc'd to him just the other day. If he fails or refuses to realign his own life with the purported values of his beloved U*U community aka the Uncommonly Hypocritical Denomination he will discover that the next year will bring continued and even escalated war in the U*U World rather than peace.

President Bill Sinkford says - "Last summer, I was in Kyoto, Japan, for the Eighth World Assembly of Religions for Peace, participating in conversations focused on building bridges between religious traditions and sects. I sat with leaders from Christian, Islamic, Buddhist, and Jewish communities for honest exchange, deep sharing, and respectful dialogue. Together, we crafted statements of belief and understanding, and trust and hope grew among us. Yet the religious leaders from the Holy Land, representing the three great Abrahamic traditions, were not able to agree on even a common preamble, let alone a joint statement. That failure haunts me."

If Rev. Bill Sinkford and other outrageously hypocritical U*Us continue to fail or refuse to enter into "honest exchange", "deep sharing", and even "respectful dialogue" with me and sincerely attempt to rebuild trust and hope his own abject failure will haunt him for years to come. . .

President William Sinkford goes on to speak about the war aka quagmire in Iraq in the following terms - "Meanwhile, in Iraq, civil war rages on, growing worse by the day. More and more people now acknowledge the futility of this war and the fact that “winning" (whatever that would look like) is not possible."

Just insert Montreal where it says Iraq and you will see that Rev. Bill Sinkford has a U*U war of words going on here that is so much of a quagmire that people may one day refer to a Mexican Standoff as a Unitarian Standoff. . . In reality the U*U "religious community" long ago lost the war of words that it chose to start with me and it has been mired in an increasingly ludicrous quagmire for over a decade now.

There is no way that the Unitarian*Universalist aka U*U "religious community" can possibly hope to ever win the ridiculously drawn out war of words that it foolishly started with me at least as far back as November of 1995, when the intolerant and abusive fundamentalist atheist minister of the Unitarian Church of Montreal, Rev. Ray Drennan, falsely and maliciously labeled Creation Day as "your cult" and contemptuously dismissed my revelatory religious experience as "your psychotic experience." I officially reaffirmed my claimed revelation of God once again on December 22nd, 2006, the day after the winter solstice. Not that I really needed to as I have never stepped away from that claim of a bona fide revealtion of considerable significance at any time since I first made it in 1992. . .

Rev. Bill Sinkford says - "I traveled to Japan again last month to celebrate the one hundredth birthday of Nikkyo Niwano, the founder of the Rissho Kosei-kai. There I was invited to reflect about self-assessment as a way of moving toward peace. How, I wondered, can we move toward change and reconciliation if we have not first looked within ourselves?"

Quite regrettably UUA President Bill Sinkford never bothered to engage in any "self-assessment as a way of moving toward peace" in terms this ongoing war of words that he is perfectly aware of, and has been repeatedly reminded about over the years, going at least as far back as his presidential election campaign in which he ran against Rev. Diane Miller. Stop wondering Bill, you know perfectly well that you and other outrageously hypocritical U*Us cannot move toward change and reconciliation with me if you have not first looked within yourselves, to say nothing of responsibly reopening and looking into my original grievances arising from Rev. Ray Drennan's demeaning and abusive clergy misconduct and how the UUA's Ministerial Fellowship Committee effectively endorsed his anti-religious intolerance and bigotry. . .

President Sinkford says, "Lao-Tzu reminds us that peace in the world must begin with peace in our hearts. His insight holds a key for us all. By looking inward we may see clearly the complex truths of our lives and our histories."

No kidding Bill. . . the truths of *our* lives and *our* histories would be a whole lot less *complex* if you and your predecessor as President of the UUA one Rev. Dr. John A* Buehrens had responsibly acted upon my serious grievances against Rev. Ray Drennan rather than pretending that his glaringly obvious anti-religious intolerance and bigotry was "within the appropriate guidelines of (U*U) ministerial leadership."

Oh so passive Rev. Bill Sinkford then says, "We may then commit ourselves to the spiritual practice of waging peace—in our hearts, at home, in our congregations and communities, and in our world. It is within our most intimate relationships that we first must lay the seeds of peace, seeds that may eventually grow into respectful dialogue at the diplomatic table."

So get with the program Bill and stop ignoring my emails and obstinately refusing to so much as acknowledge receipt of them. Put up or shut up Bill. Start actually waging peace. Start laying the seeds of peace by genuinely bending towards justice rather than cynically and hypocritically bending justice as you, the UUA, and its obviously negligent and complicit Ministerial Fellowship Committee have been doing for years now.

President Bill Sinkford says, "When I think of what this season can offer I remember that the word Hannukah means "rededication." Let us rededicate ourselves to waging peace."

Yes by all means Bill. Let you and other U*U hypocrites rededicate yourselves to waging peace; although for the life of me I don't know how you can possibly rededicate yourselves to an activity that there is no evidence that you ever engaged in in the first place. . . at least insofar as your own and other U*U hypocrites' rather inhuman human relations with me.

UUA President William G. Sinkford more or less concludes his outrageously hypocritical Holiday message by saying, "Let us answer the religious call to join hands with people of all faiths and move forward together, with hope burning bright in our hearts."

That's funny Bill but I seem to recall that about a year ago now I offered you the opportunity to do exactly that with me and other people of all faiths all around the world but you quite consciencelessly ignored that generous offer and made not the slightest effort to wage peace with me. You are an outrageous hypocrite President Sinkford and you will remain an obvious hypocrite until such a time as you begin to actually practice what you and other outrageously hypocritical U*U "religious professionals" so insincerely and even quite fraudulently preach.


indrax said…
Bill Sinkford has not wronged you in any way. You have not given him much reason to dispute the judgement of the Unitarian Church of Montreal.

Also, did you ever do any follow up with David Hubner?
Robin Edgar said…
You are being a DIM Thinking idiot again indrax. I thought I made it clear that if you wanted to comment on any posts here that you should do so in the 'Arguing With indrax' thread. I am very soon going to require people to priovide their real life identities if they want to comment on The Emerson Avenger blog in order to dissuade people from posting DIM Thinking SPAM such as your comment here. If you don't have the guts and personal integrity to stand behind your words by providing your "real life" identity you will be dealt with appropriately indrax. As will other cowardly anonymous commenters and trolls. UUA President Bill Sinford was provided with abundant reason to dispute the judgment of the Unitarian Church of Montreal but that was not the primary thing that I was expecting him to do. The responsibility of President Bill Sinkford is to deal with UUA issues and that includes the grossly negligent and effectively complicit manner in which the UUA's Ministerial Fellowship Committee, under the misguided leadership of Rev. Diane Miller and later Rev. David Hubner, responded to my serious grievances about Rev. Ray Drennan's insulting and defamatory language and anti-religious intolerance and bigotry. I might add that UUA President Bill Sinkford bears ultimate responsibilty for the negligent and effectively complicit manner that the UUA responded to my much more recent complaints against Rev. Victoria Weinstein that arose from her insulting and defamatory posts about me and other people on her pseudonymous Peacebang blog.

If you want to respond to this do so in the 'Arguing With indrax' thread. I will not respond to you any further in this thread, period, and may soon refuse to respond to you at all if you keep up your DIM Thinking trolling much longer.
Robin Edgar said…
BTW Your DIM Thinking defence of UUA President Bill Sinkford can be properly described as a "wild*ass statement" indrax. It is very obvious from my correspondence with former UUA President John A* Buehrens, Rev. Diane Miller, Rev. David Hubner and previous communications with President Bill Sinkford that he and the UUA have wronged me by abjectly failing, and even obstinately refusing to respond to my serious grievances in a manner that even remotely lives up to U*U "covenants" especially that "covenant" calling for justice, equity and compassion in human relations.
Robin Edgar said…
I have moved a number of completely off-topic SPAM posts from here to the U*U Hole thread that the anonymous U*U troll indrax has pretty much forced me to create due to his inordinate trolling and SPAMMING of The Emerson Avenger blog over the last several weeks. There will be no actual "memory holing" on this blog if I can help it however obviously off-topic SPAM comments, unapproved anonymous or pseudonymous comments, and other forms of SPAM comments will be fimd their way into the U*U Hole.