Plus Ça Change Plus C'est La Même Chose aka Boston Unitarian Kicks Rich, Fashionable, Thoughtless Unitarian*Universalist U*Us In The Balls. . .

Apparently with a little help from his quite literally corpse-cold Unitarian friend famous Unitarian Rev. William Ellery Channing. :-)

Here is the pertinent part of Rev. William Ellery Channing's letter to Henry Ware Jr. that Boston Unitarian posted about -

"I do not wish to see a Unitarian Society in New York, made up of rich, fashionable, thoughtless people. I wish friends and adherents, who will be hearty and earnest; and I believe these qualities may be found mainly in the middling classes. Can no inquiry be instituted among these to learn whether they are favorably disposed to your object?"

And here is the (im)pertinent comment that I just submitted to Boston Unitarian's 'Middling Classes' blog post which addresses one of my issues with *The* Tiny Decling Fringe Religion™ aka The U*U Movement aka Unitarian*Universalism -

Forgive me for saying so Boston Unitarian, but this letter written by William Ellery Channing would seem to indicate that the problem of "rich, fashionable, thoughtless people" choosing the fate of joining the Unitarian Church, and what is now known as The U*U Movement, goes back at least a couple of centuries.

Plus ça change. . . ;-)
