Seth Godin Quite Understandably Delivers A Humiliating Kick In The Crotch To "Less Than Understanding" UUA Leaders. . .
Without further ado herewith is my plagU*URized version of Seth Godin's
The hard work of understanding blog post -
Sometimes, we U*Us are so eager to have an opinion that we U*Us skip the step of working to understand.
Why is it the way it is?
Why does Robin Edgar believe what he believes?
We U*Us skip reading the whole thing, because it's easier to jump to what we U*Us assume the writer meant.
We U*Us skip engaging with customers and stakeholders because it's quicker to assert we U*Us know what they want.
We U*Us skip doing the math, examining the footnotes, recreating the experiment, because it *might* NOT turn out the way we U*Us need it to. . .
We U*Us better hurry, because the firstest, loudest, angriest opinion might sway the crowd.
And of course, it's SO much easier now, because we U*Us all own our own media companies.
Sometimes, we U*Us are so eager to have an opinion that we U*Us skip the step of working to understand.
Why is it the way it is?
Why does Robin Edgar believe what he believes?
We U*Us skip reading the whole thing, because it's easier to jump to what we U*Us assume the writer meant.
We U*Us skip engaging with customers and stakeholders because it's quicker to assert we U*Us know what they want.
We U*Us skip doing the math, examining the footnotes, recreating the experiment, because it *might* NOT turn out the way we U*Us need it to. . .
We U*Us better hurry, because the firstest, loudest, angriest opinion might sway the crowd.
And of course, it's SO much easier now, because we U*Us all own our own media companies.