UUA Moderator Jim Key Has An Inter-National Conversation On UU Clergy Misconduct With The Emerson Avenger
UUA Moderator Jim Key signed UU Safety Net's Change.org petition calling for to start a National Conversation On Clergy Misconduct in the UUA, i.e. a national conversation about the UUA shameful legacy of decades worth of negligence towards, and complicity in, ALL manner of clergy misconduct including, but by NO means limited to what Stikeman Elliott Barristers & Solicitors litigation lawyer Maitre Marc-André Coulombe would characterize as "such despicable crimes as pedophilia and rape."
The three U*UTube videos posted below document my side of what could be properly described as an InterNational Conversation on UUA Clergy Misconduct that I had with UUA Moderator Jim Key over four months ago now in early September of 2013. As much as I appreciate Jim Key agreeing to engage in this conversation with me, I have to report that I am "less than impressed" with the subsequent FAILure of the Jim Key and the UUA Board of Trustees to respond in responsibility to the spirit of our Conversation on UUA Clergy Misconduct and the previous and subsequent "electronic communications" aka emails that I sent to Jim Key and the UUA Board of Trustees. I am posting these videos publicy in the hope that they will be a significant contribution to the National Conversation on UUA Clergy Misconduct that Jim Key and various other UUA leaders agreed to engage in in 2014.
The three U*UTube videos posted below document my side of what could be properly described as an InterNational Conversation on UUA Clergy Misconduct that I had with UUA Moderator Jim Key over four months ago now in early September of 2013. As much as I appreciate Jim Key agreeing to engage in this conversation with me, I have to report that I am "less than impressed" with the subsequent FAILure of the Jim Key and the UUA Board of Trustees to respond in responsibility to the spirit of our Conversation on UUA Clergy Misconduct and the previous and subsequent "electronic communications" aka emails that I sent to Jim Key and the UUA Board of Trustees. I am posting these videos publicy in the hope that they will be a significant contribution to the National Conversation on UUA Clergy Misconduct that Jim Key and various other UUA leaders agreed to engage in in 2014.
I doubt you want fellowship with your former Montreal church. Are there any other U^U congregations locally to consider?
Thanks, JO
Besides justice for myself I am seeking restorative justice for other UU clergy misconduct victims and significant reform of not only the UUA's policies and procedures for handling clergy misconduct complaints, but an end to the "culture" of DIM Thinking denial, ignorance and minimization of all manner of clergy misconduct which leads to policies not being enforced when they should be. I filed a formal UUA Ethics Point Whistleblower complaint against Kay Montgomery in April of last year, the day before she announced her "retirement", there is ZERO evidence that it was properly handled by the UUA and I have reasonable grounds to believe that it was swept under the proverbial carpet just as SO many other complaints against UU clergy and UUA staff guilty of various forms of misconduct have been in the past.
As a matter of principle I am demanding that the Unitarian Church of Montreal must overturn its unjust decision to permanently terminate my membership. I would then decide if i wanted to attend services at the UCM or not, but that and other unjust, unfair, and uncompassionate decisions made by UUUs MUST be overturned if UUs want to work towards peace, liberty and justice in the UU World as per the 6th Principle of UUism.
I would have thought that my 15+ year track record of non-violence, at least the physical kind, would speak for itself.
But no...
Paranoid, or just plain perjurious, Montreal Unitarians have actually tried to portray me as a Jim Adkisson kind of guy in the past.
I am sure that would get a police call to investigate.
Or, discreetly use a "fart spray" discreetly when the next bull attack is heading your way....http://www.funslurp.com/fart-spray?gclid=CLmxiYvq_rsCFahDMgodIAIAEQ
Just having some fun, I know this is a serious issue but you have to laugh as well. JO
I would not do anything to unnecessarily provoke the police. The last thing I want is the police to be worried that I might physically harm U*Us, but I have NO qualms about creating an imaginary U*U Jihad Navy that has refitted Iowa Class battleships to fire devastating *broadsides* at abusive UU clergy, and their complicit UUA enablers at 25 Beacon street in Boston. :-)
Personally, I left it years ago and have not the slightest regret. It went even further away from what I considered at least tolerable.
I do wish a "real" Unitarian church would take off on grow. One that honors its historic roots and can articulate them for the modern day.
There are some various start up groups, for example the http://www.ucec.us/....but I don't claim to be a "Christian Unitarian", though I would comfortably fit in with them most days...if they did not become another U^U.
We try to focus on Unitarian, Unitarian Christian or religion related topics for discussion. We have had attempts at hijacking by various zealots..be they Muslim or political. JO
DO feel free to bring up the fact that American UUA leaders, almost certainly of the Atheist U*U variety (i.e. "retired" UUA Executive Vice President Kathleen 'Kay Montgomery & UUA President Peter Morales) are accusing me of the archaic crime of blasphemous libel for blogging about a few UU rapists. It might make for an interesting discussion of contemporary "Unitarian" history. :-)