All Saints Day Is An Anniversary For The Emerson Avenger

Yes, believe it or not, the first trial date for my unwarranted prosecution on trumped up criminal charges brought against me at the behest of perjurious Montreal Unitarians seeking to impose church censorship by misusing and abusing the Canadian Criminal Code was November 1st, 2002. November is a month of significant anniversaries for The Emerson Avenger. November 9th will mark the 11th anniversary of Rev. Ray Drennan's "injurious and untrue" aka "insulting and defamatory" labeling of my revelatory religious experience as "your psychotic experience" and Creation Day as a "cult" of the "manipulative and secretive" variety. The fateful date of November 22nd will mark the 7th anniversary of my unjust and unequitable and uncompassionate "excommunication" by Montreal Unitarians in 1999. Looks like it will be a good month to vigorously exercise the human rights and civil liberties that Montreal Unitarians, to say nothing of other U*Us. . . have so cynically, so misguidedly, and so outrageously hypocritically sought to abrogate and deny.


indrax said…
This may seem like an odd question, but I bet no one's ever asked it before...

Did you attend Brian Greene's talk on string theory at the University of Buffalo on November 16, 2005?

If so, did you ask a question?
Robin Edgar said…
Indeed no one has asked me that odd question. So why do you ask it indrax?
indrax said…
Someone there reminded me of you. Or you reminded me of someone there, depending on how you look at it.
Robin Edgar said…
Well it was someone else. I was not there.