U*U Uber-Propagandist Philocrites, aka Chris Walton Executive Editor Of The U*U World, Exhorts U*Us To "Ostrichize"* The Emerson Avenger

In an overt act of DIM Thinking U*U "Community Denial" on Chutney's blog U*U Uber-Blogger Philocrites, who in "real life" is Christopher L. Walton, the new Executive Editor of the UU World magazine, i.e. the U*U World propaganda organ of U*Us World-wide. . . publicly advises and exhorts U*U bloggers to Deny, Ignore and Minimize aka "ostrichize"* The Emerson Avenger within the U*U "blogosphere".

Philocrites Nov 6th, 2006 at 12:23 pm

The best thing for UU bloggers to do? Don’t feed the troll. Don’t try to argue with him, correct him, encourage him, or otherwise enable him. (Which is what people are doing when they try engaging him.) Let him rail on. But let him do it in his own isolated and unfrequented blog.

Allow The Emerson Avenger to re*butt this DIM Thinking exhortation to U*U community denial point-by-point. . .


More like Philistine U*U Propagandist. . .

:Nov 6th, 2006 at 12:23 pm

No argument from The Emerson Avenger on this point. . .

:The best thing for UU bloggers to do? Don’t feed the troll.

Well only if U*U bloggers wish to knowingly and willfully participate in DIM Thinking U*U community denial of the various examples of U*U injustices, U*U abuses, and U*U hypocrisy that The Emerson Avenger brings to their attention from time to time. . . In any case, disingenuously labeling The Emerson Avenger as a "troll" is a flagrant act of U*U community denial, to say nothing of U*U community demonization and "ostrichization"* of the "other", in and of itself. The Emerson Avenger is hardly an internet "troll" even if he may occasionally engage in a certain amount of repetitive posting in response to very repetitive U*U censorship and suppression by "memory holing" of his legitimate criticism of U*U injustices, abuses and hypocrisy. Indeed the DIM Thinking community denial of Philocrites, as exhibited in his post to Chutney's blog, stands as a prime example of U*U injustices and hypocrisy.

:Don’t try to argue with him,

This is probably pretty good advice because DIM Thinking U*Us will almost certainly badly lose any argument with The Emerson Avenger if or when they foolishly attempt to Deny, Ignore and Minimize the very real, and usually very well documented, U*U injustices, abuses and hypocrisy that The Emerson Avenger decides to bring to light on this blog. . .

:correct him,

The Emerson Avenger is rarely incorrect in terms of the readily verifiable truth and meaning of his various critical posts about diverse U*U injustices, abuses, hypocrisy and stupidity. Yes, quite regrettably, The Emerson Avenger has recently seen fit to add any glaringly obvious examples of U*U stupidity to the mix of U*U foolishness that gets discussed on this blog. He thus rarely needs any bona fide "correction", unlike many if not most of the U*Us who The Emerson Avenger knows about. . . including a few rather sexually incorrect U*Us who were, or currently are, incarcerated in the Massachusetts *Correctional* Institute. . . aka MCI

:encourage him, or otherwise enable him.

That's right Philocrites! You tell 'em. . . U*Us should definitely not encourage or in any way enable The Emerson Avenger in his ongoing efforts to expose and denounce U*U injustices and abuses, or U*U hypocrisy and stupidity, in order that these serious problems within the U*U community may eventually be responsibly addressed and hopefully *corrected* by U*Us. God forbid that U*Us might actually begin practicing some genuine justice, equity and compassion in their human relations with me and other people rather than so insincerely, and even quite fraudulently, preaching about these basic human rights that are by no means exclusive to U*Uism. . .

:(Which is what people are doing when they try engaging him.)

Yes I must admit that quite regrettably, more often than not. . . when U*Us try engaging The Emerson Avenger they usually only end up very publicly demonstrating that he is more than a little bit *correct* in his assessment of U*U injustices, abuses and hypocrisy.

:Let him rail on. But let him do it in his own isolated and unfrequented blog.

Well DIM Thinking U*Us intent on Denying, Ignoring and Minimizing U*U injustices and abuses may certainly attempt to even further isolate The Emerson Avenger with more DIM Thinking U*U community denial and "ostrichization" etc. etc. but The Emerson Avenger's blog is hardly "unfrequented". At present The Emerson Avenger counts close to 1300 profile views in just over a year of blogging. This compares quite favorably with many if not most other U*U bloggers. In fact The Emerson Avenger blog is viewed by more people than a fair number of other U*U blogs.

So far. . . The Emerson Avenger has done little to promote the TEA blog and he has been knowingly and willfully "ostrichized" by many U*U bloggers including Philocrites aka Chris Walton, Rev. Clyde Grubbs of the A People So Cold!** blog, Rev. Scott Wells of The Boy In The Bands blog and various other U*U blogs that participate in DIM Thinking U*U community denial. Who is to say that if these and other DIM Thinking U*Us had not already participated in the censorship and suppression of The Emerson Avenger blog in complicit and collusive U*U community denial that The Emerson Avenger might not be amongst the most frequented, if not popular, U*U bloggers? As it currently stands The Emerson Avenger blog gets about as much monthly traffic as The ChaliceBlog, significantly more monthly traffic than The Socininian blog, and leaves quite a few U*U blogs such as the CU*UM-BOOYA blog of the "conservative" U*U pagan Joel Monka choking on the dust that he kicks up by dragging corpse-cold U*U skeletons out of their respective closets. . .

* ostrichize is a word I coined a while back to describe the way that U*Us ostracize critics and dissenters via DIM Thinking willful ignorance that calls to mind the image of the proverbial ostriches with their heads firmly embedded in the sand. . .

** Yes that is a reference to Ralph Waldo Emerson's crack about "corpse-cold Unitarianism" aka "corpse-cold Unitarians".


indrax said…
You confuse blog views with profile views.

And you are an unapologeticliar.
Robin Edgar said…
Profile views are a very good indication of the number of page views indrax. One can expect that the number of profile views is a pretty constant ratio of page views.

Call me a liar, unapologetic or otherwise, all you want indrax. I am very confident that any sane and rational people of conscience who bother to examine your claims that I am a liar will quickly conclude that you are either very stupid, quite delusional, or a shameless liar yourself. I have not said anything that can be properly qualified as a lie and pretty much everyone knows that. You have a serious credibility problem indrax. That is why no one, not even my worst enemies, is supporting you in your repeated claims here that I am a liar.

As I have said before I can bury U*Us under a mountain of their lies including many of the fraudulent lies that are published U*U propaganda.
indrax said…
Don't be silly. Chalicechick, for example, has a readership who go to her site directly, and post links to her because they find her posts interesting. This is not represented in the profie stat.
Robin Edgar said…
You're the one who is being silly indrax. Starting with very foolishly accusing me of being a liar over something that 99.9% of the population will agree is hardly an example of lying. If you haven't read the parable about the boy who cried wolf lately I would suggest that you refresh your memory because you are crying wolf when you accuse me of lying. Believe me I have a lot more credibility than you do at the moment and your lack of credibilit is entirely of your own making.

I have direct links coming in to my blog too. The number of profile views is a good indication of how many people are viewing a blog. The percentage of viewers who check the profile of a blogger can be expected to be about the same from blog to blog. Ergo if the number of profile views per month or year are the same one can reasonably expect that the number of actual visits is about the same.
Chalicechick said…
My husband has had 434 profile views since his ID was created last summer. He doesn't even have a blog.

No, it's not an accurate measure.

Joel Monka said…
The stats may also be affected by the fact that the introductory sentence to my profile actually tells the reader to read the posts instead.

Perhaps a better measure would be the number of blogs who have linked to one's posts- that's proof they read it, because they had to go to the effort of creating the link. That's easy to check; it lists "links to post" at the bottom of each one. I have had a total of 22 blog/post links. The Emerson Avenger- and to be fair, remember that your blog is older than mine- has had a grand total of one post link.
Robin Edgar said…
My my you people do seem deeply insecure about the amount of traffic that your own blogs receive. . . My point was simply that Philocrites assertion that The Emerson Avenger blog is "isolated and unfrequented" is more wishful thinking than anything else. I expect that as many people visit The Emerson Avenger blog on a monthly basis as most other U*U blogs. Indeed there is good reason to believe that The Emerson Avenger blog receives significantl more traffic than some of the less popular U*U blogs. No doubt Philocrites and other U*Us would much prefer to see The Emerson Avenger blog "isolated and unfrequented." Indeed his admonitions on Chutney's blog or elsewhere may even be interpreted as a suggestion or even demand that U*U bloggers actively participate in "ostrichizing" The Emerson Avenger by banning me from posting on their blogs as several have already done. All this proves bis that The Emerson Avenger is ruightly perceived as a threat by Philocrites and other U*Us. Thanks for the affirmation Philocrites. I take it as a compliment and as a clear indication that The Emerson Avenger is having a real effect on the U*U "religious community". . .
Joel Monka said…
"My my you people do seem deeply insecure about the amount of traffic that your own blogs receive. . ." that's funny, since YOU were the one to bring readership up. As you don't address the issue of links, I guess you tacitly admit that you don't leave CUUmbaya "in the dust". What do you suppose is the reason for the discrepancy- does CUUmbaya have 22 times the readership of Emerson Avenger, or is it just better written?
Robin Edgar said…
:"My my you people do seem deeply insecure about the amount of traffic that your own blogs receive. . ." that's funny, since YOU were the one to bring readership up.

Wrong as usual Joel. It was Philocrites who brought readership up on Chutney's blog when he asserted that The Emerson Avenger blog was "isolated and unfrequented". I just pointed out that profile view stats are a pretty good indication of readership and that, on a minth by month basis, I had as many profile views as other mid-range U*U bloggers and significantly more than a good number of less frequented bloggers. I was only pointing out that The Emerson Avenger blog was hardly "unfrequented" even if it is a bit isolated due to U*U "ostrichization".

:As you don't address the issue of links, I guess you tacitly admit that you don't leave CUUmbaya "in the dust".

Looks like you're still displaying some insecurity here Joel. . .

:What do you suppose is the reason for the discrepancy- does CUUmbaya have 22 times the readership of Emerson Avenger, or is it just better written?

I really don't care what the reason for the alleged discrepancy is Joel. Unlike you I am not the least bit insecure about how much readership I have or even the quality of the writing. I am more concerned with the actual content and the fact that thousands of people can become aware of diverse U*U injustices, abuses and hypocrisy by browsing through The Emerson Avenger blog.
indrax said…
Philocrites pointed out that your blog was isolated and unfrequented. You got defensive. You tried to use a silly metric to claim your traiffic was higher than other peoples.
Your statement that 'profile view stats are a pretty good indication of readership' is simply false.
Robin Edgar said…
:Philocrites pointed out that your blog was isolated and unfrequented.

Philocrites *alleged* that The Emerson Avenger blog was "isolated and unfrequented". He had little valid ground to make that statement as it should be obvious that the TEA* blog is neither terribly isolated nor unfrequented. There is little reason to believe that the TEA blog is less frequented than a good number of U*U blogs and there is plenty of good reason to believe that it is more frequented than a good number of U*U blogs.

:You got defensive.

Not at all. I was not "defensive". I am very confident that the TEA blog gets has as much readership as most U*U blogs and more readership than many of them. The main reason that I pointed out that Philocrites' highly questionable assertion that the TEA blog "isolated and unfrequented" was largely wishful thinking was to caution U*Us against being lulled into a false sense of security by Philocrites' DIM Thinking Denial, Ignorance and Minimization of the readership of The Emerson Avenger.

:You tried to use a silly metric to claim your traiffic was higher than other peoples.

There is nothing silly about using profile views as an indication of the number of visits to a blog. One can quite reasonably expect the number of profile views to be a fairly constant percentage of actual visits to any blog and a fairly small fraction of visits. If two or more different blogs have pretty much the same number of profile views on a month to month basis one can pretty much extrapolate that they have more or less the same readership levels. A blog with very few profile views is a pretty good indication of a blog that is actually "isolated and unfrequented" whereas as blog with many profile views can be expected to have many readers.

:Your statement that 'profile view stats are a pretty good indication of readership' is simply false.

Not at all. Where did my 1300 profile views come from if not from over 1000 readers of this blog and probably a small fraction of the overall number of visitors? In fact, just a few weeks ago, the number of profile views was under 1000. I have had well over 300 profile views in just two or three weeks. That would indicate to me that, at rock bottom minimum, there have been well over 300 readers in the last few weeks. That is hardly indicative of an "isolated and unfrequented blog". Ergo what IS genuinely false is Philocrites' DIM Thinking assertion that The Emerson Avenger blog is "isolated and unfrequented."

*TEA is a wonderful anti-oxidant for U*Us. . .
Robin Edgar said…
Speaking of liars and false assertions here is a colossal U*U lie for you indrax, courtesy of Rev. Charles Eddis minister emeritus of the Unitarian Church of Montreal -

"We jealously guard the right to know, to speak, and to argue freely, according to conscience, within our own church and in society at large. We are opposed to censorship, by church, state, or any other institution. We believe that truth stands the best chance of emerging under conditions of freedom."

Those words have been proven to be a fraudulent lie by the actions of the Unitarian Church of Montreal and the greater U*U religious community. N'est-ce pas indrax?

And that is just one of many outrageous public lies told by U*Us in their fraudulent religious propaganda. . .
indrax said…
Well, since you asked, I would guess that many of your profile views come from people clicking on your name in blogger comments you make on other blogs. That is where I assume most of mine come from.
Your increase in profile views over the past few months is most likely due to increased activity. You have been fairly active for the past few months, but you've had long periods of inactivity over the past year, so this might not be a spike at all, really.
The other likely source for traffic is the 'outing' discussions that have been floating around.

As I've said, the are many sources of traffic to a blog that would be underrepresented in the profile view figure. Regular visitors, inbound links, Aggregators such as uupdates.net, search engine traffic, RSS feeds, and at a minimum, the 'next Blog' button on the blogger bar.

Using profile views as a blog view metric is entirely silly, it is simply not safe to assume that the ratio is constant between blogs.
Robin Edgar said…
:Well, since you asked, I would guess that many of your profile views come from people clicking on your name in blogger comments you make on other blogs.

Right. . . Which would indicate that The Emerson Avenger blog is hardly "isolated" as Philocrites so DIM Thinkingly pronounced to the U*U World. I expect that most people making that kind of entry to my blog would likely proceed further but, even if they do not proceed further they get quite an eye opening experience just in terms of the information presented in the blogger profile itself. N'est-ce pas indrax?

:That is where I assume most of mine come from.

Assume that all you want but I have good reason to assume that most people reading the TEA blogger profile would liely be curious enough to venture a bit further in their own free and responsible search for truth and meaning. . .

:Your increase in profile views over the past few months is most likely due to increased activity.

Brilliant deduction dear indrax. I could have sworn that that was the point that I was trying to make. . . BTW "increased activity" would suggest that The Emerson Avenger blog is hardly "unfrequented" as Philocrites pretends.

:You have been fairly active for the past few months, but you've had long periods of inactivity over the past year, so this might not be a spike at all, really.

Well it is obviously a "spike" if only because I was busy with other priorities throughout most of this year. Considering how comparatively inactive I was I would say that nearly 1000 profile views was quite a respectable figure and indicative of some tens of thousands of visits.

:The other likely source for traffic is the 'outing' discussions that have been floating around.

Elementary dear indrax.

:As I've said, the are many sources of traffic to a blog that would be underrepresented in the profile view figure.

I am perfectly aware of that indrax. I would only be worried if sources of traffic were overrepresented by by profile view figures. . .

:Regular visitors, inbound links, Aggregators such as uupdates.net, search engine traffic, RSS feeds, and at a minimum, the 'next Blog' button on the blogger bar.

Exactly. All that extra traffic to The Emerson Avenger blog is indeed not directly represented by the blogger profile figure.

:Using profile views as a blog view metric is entirely silly, it is simply not safe to assume that the ratio is constant between blogs.

Actually one can reasonably assume that the ratio is approximately the same from blog to blog, especially if they are similar types of blogs dealing with similar or related subject matter. I would however be the first to admit that the will be some fluctuations. None-the-less I am very confident that The Emerson Avenger blog receives at least as much traffic as your average runof-the-mill U*U blog and almost certainly has significantly more traffic and a broader demographic of readership than a good number of lesser U*U blogs. Not that there are a "good number" of U*U blogs in the U*U World or indeed the "real world". . .
indrax said…
So where are all these readers?
Robin Edgar said…
Your guess is as good as mine indrax but some are in the U.S.A., others are in Canada, yet others are in Great Britain and various parts of Europe, I have reason to believe that a few Asian people have had a gander at The Emerson Avenger blog too. One blogger from India gave it a thumbs up in my recent public opinion poll. If I wanted to I could take steps to ensure that a whole lot of people from all inhabited continents at least had a quick peek at it. . .