Monkeying With The Mind Of Rev. James Ishmael Ford Yet Again. . .

Rev. James Ishmael Ford is a Unitarian*Universalist minister, currently serving the First Unitarian Society in Newton, Massachusetts. His Monkey Mind blog is advertised as being,

"Adventures and ruminations of James Ishmael Ford, mostly featuring reflections on religion (particularly Unitarian Universalism and Zen Buddhism) as well as a little on politics (mostly progressive)."

Like many Unitarian*Universalist U*Us, Rev. James Ishmael Ford censors and suppresses pretty much every single comment that I submit to his "moderated" Monkey Mind blog. The only way that anyone is likely to see a comment that I have submitted to Rev. James Ishmael Ford's Monkey Mind blog is if I post it here or elsewhere on the internet. Thus the chances of anyone seeing any of my comments actually posted on Rev. James Ford's "moderated" aka censored U*U blog, and being able to read them. . . are close to zero.

Today Rev. James Ford's adventures, ruminations, and reflections on religion are about the fact that today marks the anniversary of King John Sigismund's Edict of Torda in 1579. It established the right of ministers to preach the gospel as they best understood it, and, as well, for congregants to reserve their own opinions in these matters. In contemporary Unitarian Universalism. . . this has come to be called "freedom of the pulpit" and "freedom of the pew."

Oh dear it looks like I just went and plagiarized a good chunk of Rev. James Ishmael Ford's The Dawn of Freedom of Religion in the West blog post. Oh well. . . In that this it for the purpose of commenting on and questioning his questionable U*U blog post I think that this can be considered to fall within the provisions of "Fair Use" although Rev. James Ford may beg to differ.

Rev. James Ishmael Ford concludes his blog post ruminating on today's anniversary of The Edict of Torda, aka The Edict of Turda. . . by saying -

Hurrah for liberal religion!

Hurrah for freedom of thought!

In typical self-congratulatory U*U fashion. . .

Herewith is the somewhat impertinent pertinent comment that I just submitted to that Monkey Mind blog post and which this oh so liberal, and oh so freedom affirming, Unitarian*Universalist minister and Zen Master will almost certainly censor and suppress aka silence. . .

Sometimes Unitarian*Universalist ministers would be very well advised to reserve their own opinions in certain matters. . .

Please allow me to "preach the gospel" as I best understand it. . .

Hurrah for liberal religion?

Hurrah for freedom of thought?
