The St. Valentine's Day Letter

Today marks the 12th anniversary of my original letter of grievance that arose out of fundamentalist atheist "Humanist" U*U minister Rev. Ray Drennan's ignorant and intolerant dismissal of my monotheistic religious beliefs as being nothing but "silliness and fantasy", his contemptuous dismissal of my revelatory religious experience as "your psychotic experience" and his false, malicious, and repeated. . . labeling of Creation Day as a "cult".

A dozen years down the road Montreal Unitarians, the UUA, and it's negligent and effectively complicit Ministerial Fellowship Comittee, have yet to acknowledge the slightest wrongdoing on Rev. Ray Drennan's part, to say nothing of their own wrongdoing in their grossly negligent, evidently complicit, and unjustly punitive reactions to my legitimate grievances and formal complaints about Rev. Ray Drennan's egregious anti-religious intolerance and bigotry and his related demeaning and abusive clergy misconduct.

I can't help but wonder how many more years will go by before the Unitarian Church of Montreal, the UUA and its very aptly named Ministerial Fellowship Committee will finally get around to what they should have done 12 years ago and humbly formally acknowledge the well documented injustices, abuses and quite outrageous hypocrisy that they are clearly and unequivocally guilty of.

I think that today is as good a day as any to remind Unitarian*Universalist U*Us of the Roman poet Ovid's saying -

If you want to be loved, be loveable.

I might add that the basic principle that this ancient Roman epigram is founded upon has a much broader and quite universal application -

If U*Us want to be honoured, be honourable.

If U*Us want to be respected, be respectable.

If U*Us want to be trusted, be trustworthy.

If U*Us want to have peace.

Maybe U*Us should try being peaceable. . .
