Well I Was Pretty Sure I Wasn't An Asterisk. . . ;-)

You Are a Colon

You are very orderly and fact driven.

You aren't concerned much with theories or dreams...
only what's true or untrue.

You are brilliant and incredibly learned.
Anything you know is well researched.

You like to make lists and sort through things
step by step.
You aren't subject to whim or emotions.

Your friends see you as a constant source
of knowledge and advice.

(But they are a little sick of you
being right all of the time!)

You excel in: Leadership positions

You get along best with: The Semi-Colon


Robin Edgar said…
You are quite right oh so anonymous one. In my very orderly and fact driven, well researched way I deliver the bad news of U*U shit to the U*U World and indeed the real world. I dare say that U*Us are a little sick of me being right all of the time. . .
Robin Edgar said…
Unfortunately for U*Us, who demonstrably are "full of shit" when it comes to a variety of their false and even outright fraudulent claims, I am by no means "full of shit". Almost everything that I am saying about Unitarian*Universalists on this blog and elsewhere on the internet is backed by plenty of solid evidence or reliable testimony. Quite frankly I have been tempted to create a picket sign slogan that says -


in response to the numerous false and fraudulent claims made by U*Us. Just for starters U*Us are "full of shit" when they claim to be a religion where "Revelation is not sealed!" U*Us are "full of shit" when they claim to be "opposed to censorship by church, state or any other institution". Au contraire, U*Us have repeatedly misused and abused state law, including the Canadian Criminal Code, in their deeply misguided and outrageously hypocritical efforts to impose church censorship on my legitimate peaceful public protest against U*U injustices, abuses and hypocrisy. Speaking of which. . . U*Us have repeatedly proven themselves to be "full of shit" when they claim top affirm and promote justice, equity and compassion in human relations. I could go on, and on, and on. . . but I believe that I have more than adequately made my point about U*Us being "full of shit".
Anonymous said…
Stop crapping on people!
Anonymous said…
Would you go so far as to say, "Almost everything that I am saying on this blog and elsewhere on the internet is backed by plenty of solid evidence or reliable testimony."?
Robin Edgar said…
I am pretty sure that I pretty much just said that didn't I? After all this blog is dedicated to exposing and denouncing U*U injustices, abuses and hypocrisy, as well as U*U stupidity. . . and most of what is posted here is backed up by plenty of evidence and/or reliable testimony. Sorry oh so anonymous one but, as long as intolerant and abusive U*Us insist on crapping on me and other people, and U*Us have yet to stop crapping on me and other people. . . I will be returning the favor by telling some rather unpleasant, but all but undeniable. . . truths about outrageously hypocritical U*Us.