Rev. Scott Wells Asserts That There’s Clearly A Market For The Emerson Avenger And Other People Who Write Critically Of The U*U Movement

But don't take my word for it U*Us. . .

Take the word of Rev. Scott Wells' himself, as just posted to the 'WHAT’S THE MORAL HERE?' blog post of his 'Boy In The Bands' blog:

"I don’t relish a reputation as a crank or malcontent. Still, there aren’t many people who write critically of the Unitarian Universalist Association, and there’s clearly a market. Advice “to say something positive” — it’s happened — when there’s little to be positive about is willful ignorance. But to rail on about what won’t change is a waste of time and energy."

I dare say that Rev. Scott Wells is sounding positively pessimistic these days. . . if U*Us will pardon my use of something of an oxymoron here.

You U*Us see? The Emerson Avenger does not believe that it is a waste of his time and energy to rail on, and on, and on, and on again about diverse U*U injustices, abuses, and Big Fat U*U Hypocrisies of various kinds, because TEA ever so optimistically believes that Unitarian*Universalist U*Us will eventually get around to using their round heads to change their minds, as the Wayside Pulpit saying goes.
