A Free And Responsible Search For The Truth And Meaning Of The Rumors Of Rev. Bill Sinkford's Alleged Clergy Sexual Misconduct

*Could* involve asking a question such as -

Are the rumors about UUA President Bill Sinkford well substantiated?

which is exactly what *somebody* from San Francisco California was just asking Google earlier this evening. . . Personally I think that such a question regarding Rev. Bill Sinkford's alleged, or indeed actual, clergy sexual misconduct (which, as rumor has it. . . led to an acrimonious divorce from his first wife) might be best posed to the UUA and its very aptly named Ministerial *Fellowship* Committee. Not that they would be likely to answer such a direct question in a frank and forthright manner. The person of inherent worth and dignity who asked that question of Google *could* also attempt to contact former members of the now defunct clergy misconduct victims advocacy group 'UUs For Right Relations' who were privy to reliable information about the clergy sexual misconduct complaint that was allegedly brought against Rev. Bill Sinkford and how it played out with the UUA and MFC and ensuing divorce proceedings. I guess if someone was *really* curious they could attempt to access the court records of Rev. Sinkford's divorce on the off chance that the divorce proceedings contained sworn testimony about his alleged clergy sexual misconduct.

Here is the screenshot of the web statistics of today's visit from San Francisco which apparently began as a free and responsible search for the Truth and meaning of Rev. Dr. Forrest Church's much more well known and well-documented clergy sexual misconduct which *could* be described as "wife swiping" which is apparently every bit as acceptable as "wife swapping" in The U*U Movement.

Now *that* is what *I* call a free and responsible Google search. . .
