The Massage Is The Medium To Screwing In Sleeping Bags If Not "Rape" In The U*U Movement. . .

But don't take my word for it U*Us, take former Liberal Religious Youth member Jennifer Brett's word for it, as printed in 'People Soup', the old newspaper of Liberal Religious Youth Inc., and kindly republished on Rev. Daniel Harper's 'Yet Another Unitarian Universalist' blog in a brand-spanking new blog post entitled 'Historical document on the sexual revolution within UUism' -

I was originally going to write this paper on how many women are raped and then don’t do anything about it because of humiliation or because they know the courts make it very hard to prove anything. But when I started to talk to people I know in LRY about it, two things came into light: first, that quite a number of us had been raped by people outside of LRY; and second, that even more of us have been raped within LRY, but have not thought of it as such. It seems that someone will, say, be giving someone else a massage, and that massage will get more and more intense until suddenly the person receiving the massage will find him/herself in a sexual situation. The person giving the massage. The person giving the massage simply assumed that when the other person said s/he would love a massage, they meant they would like to go to bed with him/her. (How “massage” equals “sex” is something I still don’t understand.) One of two things usually happens next: either the one receiving the massage will excuse him/herself from the situation (possibly by falling asleep – the ultimate putdown.), or s/he will give in to the peer-pressure and the LRY stigma and let it ride. When I’ve asked these people why, they usually reply that they felt miserable in the situation, but they would have felt like a real ass if they said no.

When some people say they want a massage, they do mean they want to go to bed with you. It is one of those handy LRY come-ons. (You know, like “I forgot to bring my sleeping bag, can I share yours?”) I think it’s about time we understand that rape has become a part of LRY, and an accepted part as well.

From People Soup, July, 1982, vol. X, issue II (Boston: Liberal Religious Youth Inc.), p. 5.

Original spelling, punctuation, and typographical errors retained.

My apologies to Canadian educator, philosopher, scholar and media analyst Marshall McLuhan for taking the Big Fat U*U Liberty of massaging his "The Medium Is The Message" slogan and subsequent The Medium is the Massage: An Inventory of Effects book title into "The Massage Is The Medium". . .
