Nothing Could Be Worse Than The Fear That TEA Had Given Up Too Soon And Left One Unexpended Effort That Might Have Saved The U*U World From Itself...

Famous Unitarian ethicist and reformer Jane Addams *sorta*. . . by way of Rev. Naomi King's Unitarian Universalist Quotes blog which is doing a wonderful job of aiding and abetting The Emerson Avenger when it comes to keeping the fire of a Flaming Chalice burning under hypocritical U*U asses!

Wikepedia would have U*Us believe that Jane Addams emphasized that women have a special responsibility to clean up their communities and make them better places to live. I wonder what part of that concept Rev. Diane Miller, Rev. Dr. Tracey Robinson-Harris and Rev. Beth Miller, to say nothing of Rev. Dr. Victoria Weinstein and Rev. Cynthia P. Cain abjectly failed to understand?
