Rev. Arthur Powell Davies And Rev. Naomi King Help The Emerson Avenger To RIP * TEA® New Assholes For Abusive And*Or Hypocritical U*U Souls

With Yet Another PlagU*Urized Unitarian Universalist Quotation. . .

"Life in the U*U World is just a chance for The Emerson Avenger to RIP you a new U*U Soul."

Or was it -

"Life in The U*U Movement is just a chance for The Emerson Avenger aka TEA® to TEA® you a new U*U Soul."

perhaps? :-)

OK Big Fat U*U Truth be told. . .

What Rev. Arthur Powell Davies aka Rev. A. Powell Davies *really* said was -

"Life is just a chance to grow an U*U soul."

The above plagU*Urized Unitarian Universalist quotations *ALL* come *courtesy* of Rev. Arthur Powell Davies, the non-U*U minister of All Souls Church, Unitarian in Washington, D.C. from 1943 until September 26, 1957 when he became a quite literal corpse-cold Unitarian. Rev. Arthur Powell Davies can thank his lucky stars that, thanks to being an AUA Unitarian minister in pre-UUA Unitarianism and *also* being a Unitarian minister *before* CUC Executive Director Mary Bennett's Big Fat U*U Corporate Identity Fi*ASS*Co., he was *not* actually a Unitarian*Universalist aka U*U aka a member in The U*U Movement and therefore was *not* the U*U minister of All U*U Souls Church Unitarian*Universalist in Washington D.C. :-)
