A Canada Day 2012 Trudeau Salute For Montreal Unitarians & The Unitarian Universalist Association

In the fall of 2000 I displayed a brand-spanking new picket sign slogan that said -


in protest against the fact that the Unitarian Church of Montreal's intolerant & abusive "fundamentalist atheist" Humanist U*U minister Rev. Ray Drennan had offensively trashed former Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Elliott Trudeau's state funeral as a "sham state funeral" in a highly opinionated Montreal Gazette Opinion Editorial piece ironically titled 'Wrong Message', in which he intolerantly asserted that Pierre Elliott Trudeau's state funeral should not have been a Roman Catholic rite. That picket sign slogan gained some significant additional Truth and meaning when the idiotic leaders of the Unitarian Church of Montreal had me falsely arrested on bogus criminal charges of disrupting church services in a deeply misguided, and outrageously hypocritical, attempt to prevent me from exercising my Canadian Charter of Rights & Freedoms guaranteed rights to freedom of expression and to engage in peaceful public protest.

I decided to celebrate Canada Day 2012 yesterday by giving both the Unitarian Church of Montreal and the Unitarian Universalist Association of Congregations in Boston an actual "Trudeau Salute" in response to the most recent attempt by shamefully hypocritical Unitarian Universalists to misuse and abuse the Canadian Criminal Code in yet another misguided effort to censor and suppress my legitimate criticism and dissent by having Stikeman Elliott LL Barristers & Solicitors send me a cease and desist demand letter falsely accusing me of the archaic crime of blasphemous libel for allegedly making "unfounded and vicious allegations to the effect that ministers of the Association engage in such despicable crimes as pedophilia and rape." The key word here being *unfounded*. . .

More to follow. . . including one or more U*UTube videos of my Canada Day 2012 protests in front of the Unitarian Church of Montreal and Stikeman Elliott's downtown Montreal offices.
