The Unitarian Universalist Association Of Congregations Is Largely In Total Denial Of The Fact That Unitarian Universalism's Biggest Potential For New Membership Is Liberal Theists. . .

But don't take *my* word for it U*Us. . .

Take the Big Fat U*U Word of Peacebang aka *the* Reverend Doctor Victoria Weinstein aka Vicki The Impaler aka Vicki Vicious as Tweeted on her Twitter account last night -

 Yes. The  of congregations is largely in total denial that our biggest potential membership is w/ liberal Theists.

The fact of the matter is that I have been saying that Unitarian Universalism's biggest potential for new membership is with liberal theists for well over a decade now but, in light of the UUA's proclivity to block its ears and close its eyes to what I have to say about *that* particular issue, to say nothing of various other Big Fat U*U Problems of*with The U*U Movement. . . the Unitarian Universalist Association Of Congregations may well be largely, if not totally, in total denial of that fairly obvious fact as Peacebang suggests in her Tweet.

The UUA certainly has NOT done a Hell of a lot to directly address the anti-Christian, and indeed more broadly anti-religious and anti-theistic intolerance and bigotry that is found in many if not most Unitarian Universalist "Less Than Welcoming" Congregations these days. This in spite of the fact that I have repeatedly warned the UUA that this anti-religious intolerance and bigotry that they happily tolerate, if not outright condone. . . is a MAJOR contributing factor to Unitarian Universalism not only absolutely NOT being "A Religion For Our Time" let alone "*The* Religion For Our Time" but in The U*U Movement achieving the rather ignominious aka pathetic status of "a tiny, declining, fringe religion", and apparently well on its way to becoming a tinier, declinier, not to mention fringier. . . fringe religion than it was back in 2008 when Rev. Peter Morales so aptly described Unitarian Universalism as "a tiny, declining, fringe religion" in his 'A Religion For Our Time' sermon which did double duty as his "stump speech" announcing his candidacy for president of The Tiny Declining Fringe Religion™. . .
