Just saying. . .
"Sheriff Joe Arpaio faces legal action, yet again, on charges that he has violated the rights of Latino citizens in Maricopa County, Arizona. Already, the county has paid out something like $50m in damages over the years."
I can't help but wonder how much the Unitarian Universalist Association of Congregations aka The Tiny Declining Fringe Religion™ would have to pay out if someone ever brought a class action lawsuit against it for its grossly negligent and effectively complicit responses to ALL manner of clergy misconduct complaints?
Meanwhile the UUA tries to censor and suppress whistle blowers and critics with highly questionable legal intimidation and legal bullying, even going so far as to outrageously hypocritically accuse me of the criminal act of blasphemous libel for allegedly making "unfounded and vicious allegations to the effect that ministers of the Association engage in such despicable crimes as pedophilia and rape."
The key word here being *unfounded* of course. . .
No joke -
"More importantly, I pray that people will turn away from fear and demagogues."
Rev. Peter Morales is a fear mongering demagogue and Tin Pot U*U tyrant himself. One who clearly seeks to demonize and marginalize people as this Guardian Op/Ed piece clearly illustrates with potentially libelous accusations such as -
"The Maricopa sheriff's department has become a collection of thugs with badges."
If I said that the UUA's department of ministry has become a collection of "wolves in shepherd's clothing" Peter Morales would probably have Stikeman Elliott LLP Barristers & Solicitors send me an aggressive cease and desist demand letter accusing me of cruelty to animals or something. Does that sound just a tad ludicrous? Well no more ludicrous than the contents of the Stikeman Elliott mise en demeure that I received in early June accusing me of "threatening and defamatory conduct amounting to sexual harassment against she-wolves in shepherd's clothing." Oops! I mean "against women Unitarian Universalist ministers."
What are the grounds for this accusation you ask?
Being so "less than polite" as to blog that one hypocritical female Unitarian Universalist minister "sucks and blows at the same time" and daring to blog about a verbally and psychologically (not to mention physically. . .) abusive female U*U "pastor" who, amongst many other insulting and abusive attacks on people, blogged about her "sodomy fantasy" which obscenely and quite Sadistically imagined Republican U.S. state senator Bill Napoli "anally impaled on the Statue of Liberty's torch". I dare say that *that* sounds rather like "threatening and defamatory conduct amounting to sexual harassment" against senator Bill Napoli. . . No?
But this and other insulting and defamatory and otherwise abusive "unbecoming conduct" by the U*U "pastor" in question was deemed to be part of her "private life" and "outside of (her) professional role as a minister serving a congregation" by the UUA's department of ministry when I filed a formal clergy misconduct complaint against her in late 2006. I can't help but wonder if verbally and psychologically and indeed physically abusive U*U clergy can thus moonlight as BDSM Dominatrixes "outside of their professional role as a minister serving a congregation". . .
When during the April 2010 UUA Board of Trustees meeting I politely asked UUA President Morales to ensure that the UUA responsibly reopened and reexamined this and other highly questionable UUA clergy misconduct ruling he bluntly responded -
"We're not reopening something that's years and years and years old."
That's funny Peter. . .
Isn't the UUA rather foolishly, to say nothing of unethically. . . reopening something that is now a couple of year's older by more than a little bit questionably accusing me of sexual harassment of Rev. Dr. Vicki The Impaler? Indeed didn't the UUA recently reopen something that is centuries and centuries and centuries old by officially repudiating the Christian Doctrine of Discovery as part of its efforts to promote amnesty for "undocumented workers" aka *illegal* immigrants?
No one should be treated the way intolerant and abusive U*U clergy and their UUA enablers and protectors treat people. No one.
But you and other U*Us not only turn a willfully blind eye to all manner of U*U clergy abuse, you try to intimidate me into silence and even attempt misuse and abuse the Canadian Criminal Code to have "less than flattering" blog posts about abusive U*U clergy, incuding U*U rapists and pedophiles, legally "memory holed" don't you Peter?
I guess that makes you a Big Fat U*U Hypocrite aka yet another Unitarian Universalist minister who sucks and blows at the same time. . .
I guess you can now add yourself to the list of outrageously hypocritical U*U clergy who are victims of my "sexual harassment". . .
I look forward to the new mise en demeure from Stikeman Elliott. .