Unitarian Universalism's "Saving Message" aka Spiritual Message Of Unity, Love & Justice Is Diluted

But don't take *my* word for it U*Us. . .

Take Texas Unitarian Universalist U*U Thomas Earthman's word for it, as posted to his 'A MATERIAL SOJOURN' blog in a brand-spanking new blog post entitled -

A Young Adult On “The Rise of the ‘Nones’

which was ever so fatefully posted to the interconnected and interdependent "interweb" known U*U World-wide as the internet on the "less than lucky" date of Friday The 13th of July, 2012. . .

Without further ado herewith is the brief pithy comment that I just submitted in response to *that* Thomas Earthman pronouncement. My comment seems to have disappeared into thin cyberspace as a result of Thomas Earthman's proclivity to dilute justice in the so-called U*U World by censoring and suppressing my comments that stand on the side of love for Truth and Justice. . .

"We (i.e. Unitarian Universalists) should not try to change so that they (i.e. "Nones") feel more comfortable, because that would require us to further dilute our spiritual message of unity, love, and justice." In light of just how diluted, aka Water Communioned down? ;-) . . . Unitarian Universalism's purported spiritual message of unity, love, and justice already is. All I can say here is, God forbid that Unitarian Universalists do *that*. . .


Anonymous said…
Sorry about that, Robin. It seems that your comments are now universally recognized by WordPress as Spam. No way for me to fix that. I look at the spam folder less than once a month, on average.

Your comments automatically show up on my blog w/out moderation. Your last comment, previous to this one, was posted with no approval required, as I have approved your comments in the past. In addition, I invited you to participate further in the discussion, and you never did. I have no malice towards you. You can't really insult or offend me.

I will un-spam your comment. It doesn't require any further reply.

Thanks for the coverage, though. It is great to have a mention by such an internet celebrity! I can't wait to see the 3 extra page hits this generates over the next year or so!
Robin Edgar said…
Your apology is hereby officially accepted Thomas. I have a policy of almost always accepting unsolicited apologies unless they appear to be insincere expedient apologies. My comments have been "universally recognized by WordPress as Spam" for many years now. I have reasonable grounds to believe that Rev. Scott Wells is responsible for that although that does not absolve Wordpress from their own responsibility in blanket censorship of ALL of my comments no matter how valid and valuable they may be. . . That being said, if I submit comments without key info like my real name, real email address, and reference to The Emerson Avenger, they usually are successfully posted to Wordpress blogs. Of course that does not prevent many if not most Unitarian Universalist bloggers from promptly "memory holing" my comments after the fact as Rev. Meredith Garmon recently did in his blog post which was most ironically titled -

Evil And must Be Destroyed

I guess Rev. Garmon Meredith must have thought my two comments were evil and therefore must be promptly destroyed by him, even though his blog post was arguing against labeling things as evil and seeking to destroy what we deem to be evil. Doh!

For the broken U*U record, here are the two comments that Garmon "memory holed" -

Robin Edgar
Saturday, July 14, 2012 8:19:00 AM EDT

The Emerson Avenger blog is pure evil and must be destroyed by the Unitarian Universalist Association, or at least that's what this truly moronic over-the-top cease & desist demand letter that Stikeman Elliott attorney Marc-André Coulombe dreamed up on behalf of the UUA would seem to have U*Us believe. . . :-)

Robin Edgar
Saturday, July 14, 2012 8:23:00 AM EDT

Oh and just one more thing for the time being Meredith. Please be so kind as to NOT destroy the comment I just successfully submitted above. Engaging in such censorship and suppression of legitimate criticism & dissent vis-Ă -vis this latest *example* of questionably ethical and outrageously hypocritical UUA foolishness would be evil AFA*I*AC. . .

end quote

I *was* planning to create a brand spanking new Emerson Avenger blog post about that recent act of U*U censorship by a "less than prefect" U*U *preacher* but your comment has prompted me to raise this issue here and now.
Robin Edgar said…
"Your comments automatically show up on my blog w/out moderation."

Doesn't this contradict what you just said about how my "comments are now universally recognized by WordPress as Spam" thomas? In any case, I just submitted a brief thank you comment that is being held for moderation even though I took steps to avoid that which *should* have ensured that the comment was posted immediately. Evidently my anti-moderation aka anti-censorship countermeasures need to be revised and improved. . .

BTW I was aware that you had invited me to participate further in the discussion on the one blog post where one of my comments had been successfully posted to your blog, and had intended to accept that invitation but, as you know, soon afterwards I was distracted by the above-mentioned inept Stikeman Eliott*UUS attempt at legal intimidation. . . I will consider this comment to be an open invitation to come back and comment further but my comments to your blog are obviously not getting through for the most part.

"I have no malice towards you. You can't really insult or offend me."

Some of your comments and other behaviour causes me to question that assertion. You have certainly posted things to your blogs and Twitter account that are insulting and offensive towards me AFA*I*AC.

"Your last comment, previous to this one, was posted with no approval required, as I have approved your comments in the past."

That particular comment was posted successfully because I took steps to avoid any automated blog censorship. It is one of the few, if not only, blog comment(s) that remains viewable. What other comments have you previously approved Thomas? And let's not forget that you have completely blocked me on Twitter. . .

"I will un-spam your comment. It doesn't require any further reply."

Oh come on Thomas, be a sport and add some "further reply" to it. :-)

"Thanks for the coverage, though. It is great to have a mention by such an internet celebrity! I can't wait to see the 3 extra page hits this generates over the next year or so!"

You're welcome Thomas. My pleasure. Interestingly enough it seems that I am indeed something of an "internet celebrity" in that people from all over the world visit this blog after running a Google search for -

emerson avenger

I strongly suspect that it is my (monor) "internet celebrity" status that prompted some top level leaders of the Unitarian Universalist Association to have Stikeman Elliott LLP Barristers & Solicitors serve me with that outrageously hypocritical cease and desist demand letter. . . Talk about reinforcing and elevating my much vaunted narcissism! :-)
Robin Edgar said…
My apologies for the several typos aka typographical errors in the above comments.
Robin Edgar said…
"I can't wait to see the 3 extra page hits this generates over the next year or so!"

Well capital 'T' objective Truth be told Thomas, my web stats for TEA blog indicate that you have already received no less than two visits to your 'Material Sojourn' blog as a direct result of people following the direct link to it in this TEA blog post. One visitor engaging in a free and responsible search for the capital 'T' Truth and meaning of this particular The Emerson Avenger blog post hailed from Kansas City, Missouri, (i.e. NOT Kansas City Khan's Ass*) while the other person of inherent worth and dignity visited was in Durant, Oklahoma. To borrow a phrase popularized, if not immortalized, by Meatloaf -

Two ("hits" aka visits) out of three (days) ain't bad eh? ;-)

I thus have reasonable grounds to believe that you will most probably receive a few more than just three Material Sojourn blog visitors over the next year or so as a direct, or indeed indirect, result of this more or less brand spanking new TEA blog post. . .

* I guess I had better belatedly apologize for that old "Kahn's Ass" spelling error*typo on The *Wonderful* Wizard Of U*Us blog that I only just noticed now. . .
Anonymous said…
Actually, you've demonstrated quite clearly why I have blocked you on twitter. You post a paragraph reply to every sentence, much of it completely off-topic or unsolicited. It isn't malice, though, as much as simple lack of concern for the majority of what you have to say. You talk to much, and it never goes anywhere, so I stopped listening.

Your comments have, previously, posted just fine to my blog, and I was simply saying that I have made no attempt to block you outright. That was Wordpress, and as I mentioned in comments on my own blog, it likely has to do with the fact that you use differing, and in this case, blatantly false information to log your comments.

I pity your need to lash out, and your narcissism. I bristle at your slander and your exaggerations. I have no malice for you, though. I just wish you would take advantage of that wonderful National Health system, and get some guidance to work through your issues and move on. Your energies could surely be doing something better. You seem well read and well spoken. You are slightly delusional and so full of yourself that you can't have a rational conversation about the the only topic I have ever read or heard you on. Mostly, Robin, you make me sad.

I invite you to be part of the conversation, because I keep hoping that someone will find a way to reach you, and to encourage you back to a responsible search for meaning. I would love to see you return as a useful member of the UU movement, but I would be very happy just to know that you've found something in your life to build up, rather than making it your mission to tear down what others are building.
Robin Edgar said…
:You talk to much, and it never goes anywhere, so I stopped listening.

Actually, what I say goes all over the U*U World, not to mention all around the real world... But obviously the UUA thinks I "talk too much" and are once again going to extreme, and highly questionable, lengths to shut me up. . .

:Your comments have, previously, posted just fine to my blog, and I was simply saying that I have made no attempt to block you outright.

You have most certainly blocked me outright on Twitter Thomas, and few of my comments have been posted on your blog.

:That was Wordpress, and as I mentioned in comments on my own blog, it likely has to do with the fact that you use differing, and in this case, blatantly false information to log your comments.

Wrong. I have already told you that someone arranged things so that Wordpress blocked me when I used my real name etc. That is precisely why I have little choice but to use false names and email addresses when posting comments to Wordpress blogs.

:I pity your need to lash out, and your narcissism.

Narcissism schmarcissism. I am one of the least narcissistic people you will ever encounter in "real life", as my U*UTube videos should show. There are plenty of U*U clergy who are FAR more narcissistic than I will ever be. Peacebang just for starters. . .

:I bristle at your slander and your exaggerations.

What "slander" Thomas? I challenge you to point to one single thing that I have said that constitutes actual slander or libel. U*Us, including intolerant and abusive U*U clergy like Rev. Ray Drennan and Rev. Dr. Victoria Weinstein, are far more guilty of engaging in slander and libel than I will ever be. The only "exaggerations" U*Us will find are in my parody blog posts which are intentionally somewhat "over-the-top", especially when mocking and ridiculing the "over-the-top" behavior of U*Us. If you want to know what real slander and libel looks like go visit the Robin Edgar Sucks blog, in particular the blog posts that *pretend* to be reproducing comments submitted by people but are quite probably complete fabrications dreamed up by the cowardly "collective authorship" of the Robin Edgar Sucks blog. BTW I long ago warned U*Us that I would retaliate against any lies told about me by telling various unvarnished, readily verifiable, Truths about U*Us.

:I just wish you would take advantage of that wonderful National Health system, and get some guidance to work through your issues and move on.

Sorry Thomas but what I and other people who have been abused and victimized by U*Us *really* need is some genuine justice, equity and compassion from your "less than wonderful" UUA Clergy Misconduct Complaint System. The UUA and the Unitarian Church of Montréal have to actually start walking the misleading and outright fraudulent bullshit they talk and work through our issues with viable conflict resolution procedures and bona fide peacemaking before I will even think of moving on. I and other victims of U*U injustices and abuses need real restorative justice more than psychiatric treatment. In fact your abusive U*U clergy and their complicit UUA enablers are far more in need of "professional help" than I am. . .
Robin Edgar said…
:Your energies could surely be doing something better.

I *was* "doing something better" before Rev. Ray Drennan abusively labeled me as "psychotic" and slandered Creation Day as a "cult" Thomas. What have outrageously hypocritical U*Us done since then to help me do "something better" again? Fuck all, that's what. . . If U*Us want me to do something better they had better throw in the proverbial towel, sincerely repent of their numerous sins of commission and omission, properly and publicly apologize to me and ALL other victims of ALL forms of U*U clergy misconduct, and finally get around to providing long overdue restorative justice for ALL U*U clergy abuse victims.

:You seem well read and well spoken.

No kidding. . .

:You are slightly delusional

Slightly delusional about what exactly Thomas? Even if that was True it sure beats being deeply delusional like so many of the self-deluded U*Us I have the misfortune to know. . .

:and so full of yourself that you can't have a rational conversation about the the only topic I have ever read or heard you on.

Wrong again on both counts. Pretty much everything I say is very rational, even if and when I throw in a Big Fat U*U This Or That to remind U*Us that it's not so much fun when U*U're on the wrong end of "in your face" rudeness and other mockery and ridicule etc.

:Mostly, Robin, you make me sad.

Mostly, Thomas, I make a whole lot of people laugh their guts out at U*U idiocy and hypocrisy. . . Too bad the Big Fat U*U Yolk's on the two faces of hypocritical U*Us.

:I invite you to be part of the conversation, because I keep hoping that someone will find a way to reach you, and to encourage you back to a responsible search for meaning.

I am engaged in a genuinely *responsible* search for Truth and meaning. It is hypocritical Unitarian Universalists who repeatedly fail, and even obstinately refuse, to enter into a genuinely responsible search for the readily verifiable Truth and meaning of what I have been saying about U*U injustices, abuses and hypocrisy for years now. The deep Denial, willful Ignorance and self-serving Minimization of DIM Thinking U*Us is Truly astounding Thomas and, sad to say, you are numbered amongst those U*Us who Deny and/or Ignore and/or Minimize what I am saying. . .

:I would love to see you return as a useful member of the UU movement,

Great. Call up UUA President Morales and UUA Board members and ask them what the fuck they think they're doing by A) all but totally ignoring everything that I have ever said to them about U*U injustices and abuses etc. and B) trying to intimidate me into silence and even "memory holing"blog posts about real U*U injustices and abuses with aggressive but inept legal bullying. Ask them why they have NEVER properly followed up on ANYTHING I have said to them, including but by no means limited to everything I said about systemic injustices in the MFC Rules and UUMA Guidelines during the April 2010 UUA Board meeting. Talk about never missing an opportunity to kiss an opportunity. . .

:but I would be very happy just to know that you've found something in your life to build up, rather than making it your mission to tear down what others are building.

I am NOT tearing down what others are building, unless perhaps you mean those walls that U*Us have a proclivity to build. . . It was, and still is, intolerant and abusive U*Us who are tearing down what I am building when they are not trying to "tear down" me personally. No Thomas, for the most part I am just disturbing U*U "shit", and I will continue to do so until U*Us finally get around to responsibly cleaning up their act, and cleaning up the gigantic mess they have created over the last decade and a half. . .
Robin Edgar said…
Typo Correction -

Talk about never missing an opportunity to *miss* an opportunity. . .

Although I suppose that -

Talk about never missing an opportunity to kiss an opportunity good-bye. . .

would have worked.

Who knows?

Maybe that typo was something of a Freudian Slip.