Are UUA President Bill Sinkford And *The* UUA Ministry And Professional Leadership Staff Group Director Beth Miller "In Bed Together" Or Something?!!

The Emerson Avenger is *officially* just asking. . . ;-)

Please share this resoU*Urce with other U*Us in U*U congregations who are charged with shaping U*U worship services and *reflective* gatherings. . .

This "electronic commU*Unication"'s closing words carry the essence of U*U *wisdom* (aka U*Uisdom) for right now, *I* think. . . ;-)

We pray that U*U will take good care of U*Urselves. It is tempting to overwork in times such as these (editor's note: No kidding. . . ROTFLMU*UO!), and sometimes *U*Ue* just have to. But it is so very important to spend time with friends and family, to rest and renew U*Urselves, to nurture U*U spirits in whatever ways work for U*Us, and to keep in touch with colleagU*Ues who give and receive the support that only those who share U*Ur calling can provide. We want U*U to know deeply that U*Us are not alone with this bU*Urden.

Indeed, we’re all in this together.

Yours in Faith and Love,

Bill Sinkford and Beth Miller

Now *that* is what *I* call "choosing love" aka finding ways to "choose love" aka "standing on the side of love" for other U*U ministers aka professional colleagU*Ues. :-)

SoU*Urce - a "less than new" but *relatively* recent "electronic communication" that Janine Larsen, District Executive of the Pacific Northwest District of the Unitarian*Universalist Association of Congregations sent aka emailed to PNWD presidents aka "church" presidents of the Pacific Northwest District of the U*U World on October 10, 2008.

Please *do* feel free to share this hilarioU*Us, if somewhat irreverent aka "less than reverent", to say nothing of oU*UtrageoU*Usly iconU*Uclastic if not oU*Utright blasphemoU*Us, "electronic commU*Unication" with other U*U leaders in "less than safe" U*U "Safe Congregations".

WARNING!!! That particular, if not qU*Uite pecU*Uliar "electronic commU*Unication" that is linked to from the word "SoU*Urce"
(So U*U arse?!!) jU*Ust happens to be a big fat U*U PDF file.


Anonymous said…
i think the u*u* institution IS a cult.
i am athiest and i have found too many contradictions in what this CULT says......
i wish there were more people here to support the emerson avenger in what he is trying to do...
oh,also vote for the emerson avenger in the up and coming elections!!!!!
from irish_mick