TEA Time Out

Just saying. . .

I am still thinking about my proposed U*Unilateral cease-fire but. . .

I will none-the-less take a "less than permanent" break aka extended time out before posting any more brand*spanking new Emerson Avenger *posts* about "less than excellent" U*Us.

I will *try* to be reasonably diplomatic for a while. Possibly even as long as one full month in order to give UUA President Bill Sinkford, UUA *Moderator* Gini Courter, any and *all* UUA Trustees, any and all *appropriate* representatives of the UUA's ever so aptly named Ministerial *Fellowship* Committee* and Department of Congregational Services ample U*U time to respond *positively* to my "less than diplomatic" suggestion/request/demand/*order* that they *publicly demonstrate* they are ready, willing, and able to actually "choose love" and genuinely "stand on the side of love" for any and *all* victims of any and *all* forms of U*U clergy misconduct by *demonstrably* walking the so far seemingly empty talk of the Unitarian*Universalist Association of Congregations, and in some cases their own personally chosen religious rhetoric.
