Never Get In A Pissing Match With A Skunk On The Internet. . .
Never get *into* a pissing match with a skunk on the internet either, because. . .
win or lose, U*Us will still end up stinking, and the alleged "skunk" just might like it. :-)
Let this be an object lesson to outrageously hypocritical U*Us, especially "less than excellent" U*U ministers, who foolishly *start* pissing matches on the interconnected web of the internet, or off it for that matter.
Here is a mercifully "less than complete" list of "less than excellent" U*U ministers, including some considerably "less than excellent" UUA administrators, who have quite foolishly chosen to get into a pissing match or two with The Emerson Avenger in the past -
Rev. Ray Drennan
Former UUA President Rev. Dr. John A* Buehrens
Former Ministerial Fellowship Committee Executive Secretary
Rev. Diane Miller
Rev. Clyde Grubbs
Rev. Scott Wells
Rev. Victoria Weinstein aka Peacebang
UUA Congregational Services Director
Rev. Dr. Tracey Robinson-Harris
UUA Director of Ministry & Professional Leadership
and Ministerial Fellowship Committee Executive Secretary
Rev. Beth Miller
And last, but by no means least. . . the not so good Reverend Doctor Tim Jensen whose not so unique and original words and ideas inspired this Emerson Avenger blog post.
It will be quite interesting to see how many "less than excellent" U*U ministers, to say nothing of U*U laypeople, foolishly disregard the good advice of Reverend Doctor Timothy W. Jensen's grandmother and choose the fate of getting into a pissing match with this alleged "skunk" in 2009. . .
win or lose, U*Us will still end up stinking, and the alleged "skunk" just might like it. :-)
Let this be an object lesson to outrageously hypocritical U*Us, especially "less than excellent" U*U ministers, who foolishly *start* pissing matches on the interconnected web of the internet, or off it for that matter.
Here is a mercifully "less than complete" list of "less than excellent" U*U ministers, including some considerably "less than excellent" UUA administrators, who have quite foolishly chosen to get into a pissing match or two with The Emerson Avenger in the past -
Rev. Ray Drennan
Former UUA President Rev. Dr. John A* Buehrens
Former Ministerial Fellowship Committee Executive Secretary
Rev. Diane Miller
Rev. Clyde Grubbs
Rev. Scott Wells
Rev. Victoria Weinstein aka Peacebang
UUA Congregational Services Director
Rev. Dr. Tracey Robinson-Harris
UUA Director of Ministry & Professional Leadership
and Ministerial Fellowship Committee Executive Secretary
Rev. Beth Miller
And last, but by no means least. . . the not so good Reverend Doctor Tim Jensen whose not so unique and original words and ideas inspired this Emerson Avenger blog post.
It will be quite interesting to see how many "less than excellent" U*U ministers, to say nothing of U*U laypeople, foolishly disregard the good advice of Reverend Doctor Timothy W. Jensen's grandmother and choose the fate of getting into a pissing match with this alleged "skunk" in 2009. . .