To Those Unitarian*Universalists Who Cling To Power Through Corruption And Deceit And The Silencing Of Dissent. . .

know that you are on the wrong side of Unitarian*Universalist history; but that The Emerson Avenger will extend a hand *if* you U*Us are willing to unclench your U*U fists. . .

I figure that today is as good a day as any to once again remind Totalitarian Unitarians of these words that real world famous ex-U*U U.S. President Barack Hussein Obama chose to utter freely according to conscience during his inaugural address. . .


Anonymous said…
Did you read James Ford's blog piece? Any connection Obama has to Unitarian Universalism is tenuous.
Robin Edgar said…
The same may be said about a fair number of other "famous U*Us" Anonymous. My reference to President Barack Obama as a "real world famous ex-U*U" was largely a tongue in cheek poke at how U*Us so love to appropriate famous people with tenuous ties to Unitarianism, Universalism or U*Uism. Some U*Us are trying to claim another yet another famous U.S. President (and somewhat less famous White Supremacist) known as Abraham Lincoln aka Rather Too Honest Abe as a famous Universalist, even though he never formally joined any Universalist church. . . That other White Supremacist President of the U.S.A. that U*Us claim as a "famous Unitarian" Thomas Jefferson never formally joined a Unitarian church either, but he at least did refer to himself as a Unitarian in some of his letters so I guess that U*Us are stuck with *that* famous U*U President of the U.S.A. . . :-)