Is Rev. Dr. Timothy W. Jensen An Embarrassment To Unitarian*Universalism For His Embarassment Of Bitches That Insult, Libel, And Defame Me?

Even if Rev. Dr. Timothy W. Jensen aka The Eclectic Cleric did not* actually write the insulting and defamatory comment on the Proposing a Robin Edgar Covenant of the PolityWonk blog of Rev. Elz Curtiss which strongly suggests that I am -

"a dangerously deranged psycho/sociopath whose antagonistic and aggressive threats against others should be sufficient enough to commit him involuntarily to a mental institution"

he has publicly attacked me with various other insults and slanderous and libelous allegations and insinuations, aka "insulting and defamatory language". . . for months now as a direct response to my *privately* suggesting that he appeared to have plagiarized some of my original words and ideas in his Can You Name This Creature? blog post on his The Eclectic Cleric blog. What was the ever so eclectic Rev. Tim Jensen's first response to my effectively private suggestions that he had apparently plagiarized me and *might* want to give credit where I had very reasonable grounds to believe some credit was due? He publicly berated me on his The Eclectic Cleric blog with his self-righteous Is It a Phoenix or an "Obama"? blog post which reeks of superciliousness, condescension, and contempt and portrays me as being foolish and narcissistic for thinking that he might have plagiarized my words and ideas. When I responded to that insulting public personal attack on me with a TEA blog post titled 'Rev. Tim Jensen - Eclectic Cleric Or Klepto Cleric? U*Us Decide. . .' he suggested that I was a "skunk" who he got into a "pissing match" with even though *he* was 100% responsible for *starting* that so-called "pissing match", or at least the public "spraying" of it. Considering that the grandmother of *The* ever so Reverend Doctor Timothy W. Jensen no doubt long ago told him to "never get in a pissing match with a skunk" he doesn't seem to know when to stop pissing on me. . . But, as I have said several times before now, even somewhat before Rev. StinkyVestments decided to start this very public "pissing match" in which it is hard to determine just who the *real* "skunk" is. . .

"Some people just don’t know when to quit when they are already miles behind. . ."

Perhaps U*Us will agree that this is now, and has been for some months, a public "pissing match" *between* two 97% White "skunks", one of whom has a long stated *mission* of raising a stink or two about various U*U injustices, abuses and hypocrisy? So just what are U*Us going to do about *their* very own rather stinky "skunk" Rev. StinkyVestments aka Rev. Dr. Tim Jensen? What if anything is UUA Moderator Gini Courter doing to "focus on keeping the intentional and the unintentional pets separate"? Has she at least stocked up on large quantities of tomato juice? What about the rest of the UUA administration? Has the UUMA or the Ministerial *Fellowship* Committee done anything to *real* Rev. StinkyVestments in?

Apparently not. . .

Au contraire. . .

UU World magazine editor Christopher Walton
has actually seen fit to "spray" Rev. StinkyVestments' dubious allegations about me on the interdependent web by uncritically posting them to the interdependent web section of the UU World blog. . . Did UU World editor Christopher L* Walton even bother to enter into a free and *responsible* search for the truth and meaning *behind* Rev. Timothy Jensen's urging of his fellow UU bloggers to boycott me for alleged "slander and abuse" before posting the following bad news for U*Us to the UU World blog?

The Rev. Timothy Jensen urges his fellow UU bloggers to boycott Robin Edgar, a frequent commenter on UU blogs and a blogger who has been protesting the UU Church of Montreal for more than ten years and who has personally targeted Jensen and other UU clergy. "Stop linking to his site, publishing his comments, and allowing him to gain greater exposure for his slander and abuse than he can gather on his own!" Jensen writes ("The Eclectic Cleric," May 12; Montreal Mirror, June 4, 1998).

Had he done so he might have discovered that he was disregarding *other* U*U principles such as the Second Principle that call for "justice, equity and compassion in human relations" and the Sixth Principle that calls for "The goal of world community with peace, liberty, and justice for *ALL*", to say nothing of the Seventh Principles that calls for "*Respect* for the interdependent *web* of all existence of which we are a part". . . in his *biased* aka *unbalanced* reporting of Rev. Dr. Tim Jensen's call for a boycott of my comments on U*U blogs that makes a total mockery of U*U claims to be great champions of freedom of speech and other civil liberties. For the record UU World editor Chris Walton did not make the slightest effort to get the proverbial "other side of the story" before posting Rev. StinkyVestments' *unprincipled* and outrageously hypocritical U*U BS to the UU World blog.

What part of -

We jealously guard the right to know, to speak, and to argue freely, according to conscience, within our own church and in society at large. We are opposed to censorship, by church, state, or any other institution. We believe that truth stands the best chance of emerging under conditions of freedom.

We expect honesty of belief and integrity of convictions in each person. We do not say: "Think as you like, but say you believe." We say: "Think as you must, then say what you really believe."

Do Rev. Dr. Timothy W. Jensen, UU World editor Christopher L* Wakton and rather too many other hypocritical U*Us, including the minister emeritus of the so-called self-titled (not to mention self-annointed) Unitarian Church of Montreal Rev. Charles Eddis** himself fail to understand?

More later. . .

* which seems to be exceedingly unlikely considering how closely it matches the style and content of other things that *The* Reverend Doctor Timothy W. Jensen has posted to the interdependent and interconnected web of the internet. . .

** who BTW *plagiarized* John Milton's 'Areopagitica' in writing that fine example of utterly fraudulent U*U propaganda.


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