In Late Breaking News That Is Not Exactly Hot Off The Press *The* Rev. Dr. Timothy W* Jensen Gets A Dishonorable Mention In The UU World Blog. . .
It's amazing the things you find on the interconnected and indeed remarkably interdependent web of the internet when you are just Googling around a bit. . .
About half an hour ago, not inappropriately around the witching hour. . . I haphazardly found this dishonorable mention about me under the heading 'Blogging friends and enemies' published in the the interdependent web section of the UU World blog which was posted on Monday, May 18, 2009 while in the process of creating the blog post below about The Seven Principles of Unitarian*Universalism -
The Rev. Timothy Jensen urges his fellow UU bloggers to boycott Robin Edgar, a frequent commenter on UU blogs and a blogger who has been protesting the UU Church of Montreal for more than ten years and who has personally targeted Jensen and other UU clergy. "Stop linking to his site, publishing his comments, and allowing him to gain greater exposure for his slander and abuse than he can gather on his own!" Jensen writes ("The Eclectic Cleric," May 12; Montreal Mirror, June 4, 1998).
end quote (with some additional hyper*links embedded)
It's most ironic that *The* Rev. Dr. Timothy W. Timothy Jensen aka Rev. Tim Jensen aka The Eclectic Cleric aka The Klepto Cleric aka The Liberally Libelous Loose Canon Of U*Uism. . . has the gall to talk about *my* alleged "slander and abuse" when he has repeatedly slandered and abused your's truly since I first discovered that he had almost certainly plagiarized my original words and ideas on his The Eclectic Cleric blog a while back. . .
I can't imagine which Anonymous Nattering Nabob Of U*U Negativism wrote this ever so flattering purple-faced prose about me on the 'Proposing a Robin Edgar Covenant' on the Polity Wonk blog March 21st, 2009 at 03:01 am (UTC) -
(Anonymous) wrote:
Covenant? How about a Restraining Order?
R*E's reaction to this single post alone is enough to condemn him by his own words. A dangerously deranged psycho/sociopath whose antagonistic and aggressive threats against others should be sufficient enough to commit him involuntarily to a mental institution? Or merely an entertaining and "harmless" *curmudgeon* whose amusing "attacks" on U*U *"foibles"* inspire us to look at ourselves in a different light? *PLEASE!!!* Don't tolerate this kind of antisocial behavior one instant longer! *Goddamned* right shun him! -- don't read his posts, delete his comments wherever they appear, ignore him whenever you can, and *for God's sake* don't encourage him. Ever. His outrageous threats and accusations frighten me. I just *thank God* that he lives in a different country, and *pray* that said country would *NEVER* issue *so hostile* and frightening an individual a passport....
It couldn't *possibly* be one ever so Eclectic U*U Cleric known U*U World-wide as *The* Reverend Doctor Timothy W* Jensen aka Rev. Tim Jensen could it U*Us?

About half an hour ago, not inappropriately around the witching hour. . . I haphazardly found this dishonorable mention about me under the heading 'Blogging friends and enemies' published in the the interdependent web section of the UU World blog which was posted on Monday, May 18, 2009 while in the process of creating the blog post below about The Seven Principles of Unitarian*Universalism -
The Rev. Timothy Jensen urges his fellow UU bloggers to boycott Robin Edgar, a frequent commenter on UU blogs and a blogger who has been protesting the UU Church of Montreal for more than ten years and who has personally targeted Jensen and other UU clergy. "Stop linking to his site, publishing his comments, and allowing him to gain greater exposure for his slander and abuse than he can gather on his own!" Jensen writes ("The Eclectic Cleric," May 12; Montreal Mirror, June 4, 1998).
end quote (with some additional hyper*links embedded)
It's most ironic that *The* Rev. Dr. Timothy W. Timothy Jensen aka Rev. Tim Jensen aka The Eclectic Cleric aka The Klepto Cleric aka The Liberally Libelous Loose Canon Of U*Uism. . . has the gall to talk about *my* alleged "slander and abuse" when he has repeatedly slandered and abused your's truly since I first discovered that he had almost certainly plagiarized my original words and ideas on his The Eclectic Cleric blog a while back. . .
I can't imagine which Anonymous Nattering Nabob Of U*U Negativism wrote this ever so flattering purple-faced prose about me on the 'Proposing a Robin Edgar Covenant' on the Polity Wonk blog March 21st, 2009 at 03:01 am (UTC) -
(Anonymous) wrote:
Covenant? How about a Restraining Order?
R*E's reaction to this single post alone is enough to condemn him by his own words. A dangerously deranged psycho/sociopath whose antagonistic and aggressive threats against others should be sufficient enough to commit him involuntarily to a mental institution? Or merely an entertaining and "harmless" *curmudgeon* whose amusing "attacks" on U*U *"foibles"* inspire us to look at ourselves in a different light? *PLEASE!!!* Don't tolerate this kind of antisocial behavior one instant longer! *Goddamned* right shun him! -- don't read his posts, delete his comments wherever they appear, ignore him whenever you can, and *for God's sake* don't encourage him. Ever. His outrageous threats and accusations frighten me. I just *thank God* that he lives in a different country, and *pray* that said country would *NEVER* issue *so hostile* and frightening an individual a passport....
It couldn't *possibly* be one ever so Eclectic U*U Cleric known U*U World-wide as *The* Reverend Doctor Timothy W* Jensen aka Rev. Tim Jensen could it U*Us?

Mar. 21st, 2009 03:01 am (UTC)