Conservative U*U Joel Monka Stands On The Side Of Love For The Emerson Avenger's Picket Signs And Ad*Busted U*U Posters Etc.

Sorta. . . :-)

"If you want people to actually be able to read your posters and presentations, go with high contrast colors, plain, sans serif type fonts, sized to appear at least ten or twelve point at the maximum distance down the hall."

No worries Joel. I have been doing that for years now. In fact some of my picket sign slogans are sized to appear at least ten or twelve point at the maximum distance down the street from the Unitarian Church Of Montreal aka The Church Of The Tarnished Image. . .

They are equally able to be read in Boston for that matter Joel.

Thanks for validating the *presentation* of my picket signs if not their actual content Joel!

I always appreciate any public affirmation of my efforts from U*Us. . . :-)


Joel Monka said…
Actually, I can give you full kudos in this regard- your work is highly legible, often aliterative, eye catching. Any would-be protestor could profit from your example- at least in terms of accessibility and appeal, if not in content.
Robin Edgar said…
Well I will graciously accept those "full kudos" Joel. It occurred to me years ago that any would-be U*U protestor could profit from my example, in terms of accessibility and appeal, to say nothing of some of the content which could be applied to *some* other U*U churches. Heck the local "Anonymous" group of protesters quite appreciated borrowing my UNSAFE SECT? picket sign when they protested against Scientology in Montreal. . . Maybe when the UUA sorts things out with me I can do workshops about protesting at UUA GAs etc. For the record I expect that I will be displaying my picket sign that says -


again if the Unitarian Church ogf Montreal refuses to try to negotiate a genuinely just, equitable and compassionate settlement of this conflict in the coming months. . .