U*U Lemmings In A 97% White Wilderness - The U*U World Famous Walt Disney Documentary. . .
Something that U*U Ü*Überblogger ChaliceChick said in a comment on LinguistFriend's COLLATERAL DAMAGE blog post, specifically -
The big sister who goes to law school always wants to say "If your friend jumped off a cliff, would you?"
prompted me to refer to those hypocritical U*Us who foolishly support and enable intolerant and abusive U*U clergy, or otherwise jump off metaphorical "cliffs" with dubious leaps of faith of various kinds, as lemmings today. Not that I haven't done so before. . . This in turn inspired me to enter into a free and responsible search for some (in)appropriate video clips of the famous Walt Disney documentary film that depicts unwittingly suicidal lemmings jumping off of a high cliff in what may be termed a "leap of faith" only to drown in the ocean or sea far below. Who would have thought that this Walt Disney documentary is most appropriately entitled 'White Wilderness'? :-)
Enjoy all you U*U lemmings living in the 97% White Wilderness of The U*U World!
Do consider looking before you leap into the U*U Sea Of Hypocrisy yet again. . .
The big sister who goes to law school always wants to say "If your friend jumped off a cliff, would you?"
prompted me to refer to those hypocritical U*Us who foolishly support and enable intolerant and abusive U*U clergy, or otherwise jump off metaphorical "cliffs" with dubious leaps of faith of various kinds, as lemmings today. Not that I haven't done so before. . . This in turn inspired me to enter into a free and responsible search for some (in)appropriate video clips of the famous Walt Disney documentary film that depicts unwittingly suicidal lemmings jumping off of a high cliff in what may be termed a "leap of faith" only to drown in the ocean or sea far below. Who would have thought that this Walt Disney documentary is most appropriately entitled 'White Wilderness'? :-)
Enjoy all you U*U lemmings living in the 97% White Wilderness of The U*U World!
Do consider looking before you leap into the U*U Sea Of Hypocrisy yet again. . .
