Anthony Van Jones And The Emerson Avenger. . . What's The Connection?

Well perhaps "connection" is too strong a word.

How about *commonality*?

If U*U blogger UU Mom is to be believed. . . one striking point of commonality between the former "Green Czar" of President Barack Obama, and the future King of the U*U World :-) is that we have both been "unfairly arrested at a peaceful protest, and charges were later dismissed."

Well to be more precise, I have been unfairly arrested at my peaceful protest in front of the misleadingly named, if not outright fraudulently named. . . Unitarian Church of Montreal at least twice, and the bogus criminal charges that Montreal Unitarian U*Us had me charged with were not actually dismissed but were ultimately far from successfully prosecuted by a young Crown prosecutor. I was rightly acquitted of those bogus criminal charges when the hapless Crown prosecutor, who I believe had been given *misleading* (to say nothing of outright false aka perjurious) depositions and testimony by dishonest Montreal Unitarian U*U prosecution witnesses was unable to prove a single one of the four or five points of Canadian criminal law that he had to prove beyond a reasonable doubt in order to obtain a conviction.

Not one. . .
