We Will Stand On The Side Of Love For Victims Of U*U Clergy Misconduct And Other People Who Have Been Excluded, Oppressed, Or Violated By U*Us

Will U*Us?

Just asking. . .

Pledge to Stand on the Side of Love for People who have been marginalized by Unitarian*Universalists aka U*Us -

I pledge to defend the worth and dignity of every person. I embrace and support communities that are marginalized by Unitarian*Universalists aka U*Us, such as *real* Unitarians, *real* Universalists, Christians and other Theists, including lesbian, bisexual, and transgender Theists, or other genuinely religious minorities within the U*U World. Likewise I embrace and support political conservatives, including gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender conservatives, or other political minorities (except Nazis and other extremist groups) within the U*U World. No person should be excluded, oppressed, or violated by Unitarian*Universalists aka U*Us because of who they are. I will harness the power of love to stop U*U oppression. I pledge to stand, speak, pray, march and live on the side of the love for those people who are or have been unjustly excluded, oppressed, or violated by Unitarian*Universalists.
