Is Rev. Diane Miller - Former Executive Secretary Of The UUA's Ministerial *Fellowship* Committee - Running For UUA President Again?!!
Somebody from Kansas City Missouri *might* be just asking Google.
As U*Us may know, Rev. Diane Miller ran against Rev. William G. Sinkford aka Rev. Bill Sinkford in the 2001 UUA presidential election and ended up being something of a "sore loser". What many U*Us may not know yet is that Rev. Diane Miller subsequently "whined" about the pain of being a "sore loser" and publicly made allegations, or what UUA list serve moderators would characterize as "unsubstantiated rumors", about "falsehoods and deceit in the process" of the 2001 UUA Presidential election, if not UUA "democracy" aka UUA politics more generally. . . in a Sunday sermon that she delivered in November 2001 and posted to the website of The First Religious Society Carlisle. Exactly what those alleged "falsehoods and deceit" are I don't know, although I *could* hazard a few educated guesses as to just what they *might* be. . . Maybe someone "in the know" can fill us in on what Rev. Diane Miller actually believed were "falsehoods and deceit" in the 2001 UUA elections by commenting here one day. . . Heck I hereby extend an open invitation to Rev. Diane Miller to do just that herself by commenting below. What could be better than hearing it straight from the proverbial horse's mouth of this former UUA presidential candidate?
What I do know is that Rev. Diane Miller, in her official capacity as the Director of the UUA's very aptly named Ministerial *Fellowship* Committee, effectively endorsed the demeaning and abusive, and indeed harmful and damaging, "falsehoods and deceit" regarding me and my religious beliefs and practices of one Rev. Raymond Drennan by pretending that Rev. Ray Drennan's intolerant and hostile behavior towards me, which quite evidently arose from his "fundamentalist atheist" anti-religious intolerance and bigotry, was "within the appropriate guidelines of ministerial leadership." In that Rev. Ray Drennan's intolerant, hostile, and abusive "less than excellent" ministry clearly disregarded and violated both the letter and the spirit of the UUMA Guidelines and Code of Professional Practice to say nothing of some other "guidelines" U*U ministers should adhere to, not the least of them being the Seven Principles of Unitarian*Universalism, I dare say that she herself may be guilty of uttering falsehoods or engaging in deceit with her well-documented words. . .
I doubt that Rev. Diane Miller is *really* considering running for UUA President again in 2013 but I am none-the-less quite curious as to why someone from Kansas City Missouri would run a Google search on -
diane miller for president uua
in September of 2009. It seems to me the time to do that would have been late 2000 and the spring and summer of 2001.
As U*Us may know, Rev. Diane Miller ran against Rev. William G. Sinkford aka Rev. Bill Sinkford in the 2001 UUA presidential election and ended up being something of a "sore loser". What many U*Us may not know yet is that Rev. Diane Miller subsequently "whined" about the pain of being a "sore loser" and publicly made allegations, or what UUA list serve moderators would characterize as "unsubstantiated rumors", about "falsehoods and deceit in the process" of the 2001 UUA Presidential election, if not UUA "democracy" aka UUA politics more generally. . . in a Sunday sermon that she delivered in November 2001 and posted to the website of The First Religious Society Carlisle. Exactly what those alleged "falsehoods and deceit" are I don't know, although I *could* hazard a few educated guesses as to just what they *might* be. . . Maybe someone "in the know" can fill us in on what Rev. Diane Miller actually believed were "falsehoods and deceit" in the 2001 UUA elections by commenting here one day. . . Heck I hereby extend an open invitation to Rev. Diane Miller to do just that herself by commenting below. What could be better than hearing it straight from the proverbial horse's mouth of this former UUA presidential candidate?
What I do know is that Rev. Diane Miller, in her official capacity as the Director of the UUA's very aptly named Ministerial *Fellowship* Committee, effectively endorsed the demeaning and abusive, and indeed harmful and damaging, "falsehoods and deceit" regarding me and my religious beliefs and practices of one Rev. Raymond Drennan by pretending that Rev. Ray Drennan's intolerant and hostile behavior towards me, which quite evidently arose from his "fundamentalist atheist" anti-religious intolerance and bigotry, was "within the appropriate guidelines of ministerial leadership." In that Rev. Ray Drennan's intolerant, hostile, and abusive "less than excellent" ministry clearly disregarded and violated both the letter and the spirit of the UUMA Guidelines and Code of Professional Practice to say nothing of some other "guidelines" U*U ministers should adhere to, not the least of them being the Seven Principles of Unitarian*Universalism, I dare say that she herself may be guilty of uttering falsehoods or engaging in deceit with her well-documented words. . .
I doubt that Rev. Diane Miller is *really* considering running for UUA President again in 2013 but I am none-the-less quite curious as to why someone from Kansas City Missouri would run a Google search on -
diane miller for president uua
in September of 2009. It seems to me the time to do that would have been late 2000 and the spring and summer of 2001.