Imagine No "Tiny, Declining, Fringe Religion" Known As Unitarian*Universalism aka The U*U Movement
While the *stated* mission of the Freedom From Religion Foundation *may* be "entirely consistent with UU values", as UU World business manager Scott Ulrich asserts in his letter cum UU World blog post about the Freedom From Religion Foundation’s advertisement* in the Fall 2009 issue of UU World, doesn't *this* FFRF outdoor billboard advertisement seem to be similarly promoting the end of ALL religion? Would that not be ever so inclusive of the "tiny, declining, fringe religion" known as Unitarian*Universalism aka The U*U Movement? Do U*Us *really* want to support an organization that seems to have a considerably "less than hidden" hidden agenda of ridding the world, or at least the U.S.A., of ALL religion?
* WARNING! Big fat U*U PDF file. . .
* WARNING! Big fat U*U PDF file. . .