The Freedom From Religion Foundation Ad In The UU World Seeking Donations For Its Provocative If Not Offensive "FreeThought" Bus Ad Campaign

Will be (ir)responsibly dealt with here soon enough. . .

But I see no pressing need to blog about *that* particular U*U fiasco immediately since a good number of good U*U bloggers seem to be doing a very good job, if not a truly excellent job, of freely and responsibly dealing with the truth and meaning of that latest *example* of anti-religious intolerance and bigotry rearing its ugly head in the UU World, indeed the U*U World aka The U*U Movement.

KU*Udos to Berry's Mom for getting *that* rather sticky ball of UUax rolling. . .

My genuine *appreciation* goes out to Ms. Kitty aka Rev. Kit Ketchum who helped make a difference, agnostic Humanist UU minister Rev. Cynthia Landrum for her thoughtful blog posts about the Freedom From Religion Foundation ads irresponsibly published in the UU World magazine, U*U DrU*Uid :-) JohnFranc for his quite (im)pertinent post on his Under The Ancient Oaks blog, U*U ministerial candidate Earthbound Spirit's down to Earth blog post, and of course U*U seminarian and budding Nazi UnitAryan hunter :-) Erik Resly for his questioning Freedom From Religion? blog post.

Gotta love those ever so Unitarian question marks eh U*Us? :-)

Who did I miss?

ChaliceChick for this "from out of the mouths of babes" blog post, amongst one or two others. . .

Which reminds me. . .

Ms. Kitty is quite the BABE eh? ;-)

Did I forget someone? AKA unintentionally *exclude* someone?

In the meantime U*Us can enjoy these brand-spanking new additions to the plagU*Urized / Ad*Busted Freedom From Religion Foundation "FreeThought" Bus Ad Campaign posters that my truly wonderful good friend The Wonderful Wizard of U*Us kindly supplied to me last night.

The rest of The Wonderful Wizard of U*Us' freely and (ir)responsibly Ad*Busted "FreeThought" Bus ads may be viewed here.
