Reverend William Sloane Coffin Jr. Dis*Illusions Disillusioned Unitarian*Universalists With A Little Bit Of Help From The Emerson Avenger. . .
"So you're disillusioned.
Big deal.
All that means is that you were
illusioned in the first place. . ."
Reverend William Sloane Coffin Jr.
Big deal.
All that means is that you were
illusioned in the first place. . ."
Reverend William Sloane Coffin Jr.
If I am to believe the footnote of the 'Peace Like a River' sermon of Rev. Paul Sprecher of Second Parish Unitarian Universalist in Hingham, Massachusetts, his source of that Reverend William Sloane Coffin Jr. quotation was none other than Rev. Dr. Forrest Church's book Life Lines: Holding On (and Letting Go) published by the Beacon Press in 1996. If my memory serves me well that was the year that I filed my clergy misconduct complaint against Rev. Ray Drennan only to be dis*illusioned by Rev. Diane Miller, then Executive Secretary of the UUA's ever so aptly named Ministerial *Fellowship* Committee, about UUA handling of clergy misconduct complaints. Likewise I was dis*illusioned about the effectively fraudulent claims made by hypocritical Unitarian*Universalist U*Us about affirming and promoting justice, equity and compassion in human relations etc. etc. etc.
I guess I was illusioned in the first place by U*Us.
No U*Us?