Henry David Thoreau Seeks Recruits For The Emerson Avenger's Unitarian Jihad!

A minority is powerless while it conforms to the majority; it is not even a minority then; but it is irresistible when it clogs by its whole weight....


indrax said…
I have a simple, clear, list of questions:
1: What the hell are your grievances?
2:What happened?
3:When did it happen?
5:And in what context?

(In 1-5 I'm looking for a clear timeline.)

6:Why do you want a petition?
7:What would you want it to say?
8:Do you think a petition is the best way to accomplish your goals?
9:What are your goals?

That's all I can think of for now. Ultimately, the last one is the most important.

Believe it or not I just write normally and then go looking for the Google links afterwards!

Those aren't just tears, my eyes are bleeding.

Seriously, I don't even hover over 95% of the links on your writing anymore. It's information overload, and not usually useful anyway.
Robin Edgar said…
Hi Indrax,

Sorry to keep you waiting I was having too much fun recruiting my army of zombies and undead to fight in my U*U jihad. . .

I will try to answer you tommorrow but I do believe that most of what you are asking here can be answered by my Letter of Discontent post.

Did you notice that I posted some very recent letters that I had "posted" to the UCM inn response to your other questions?