Rev. Ray Drennan's Unitarian Jihad Name - Brother Atom Bomb of Warm Humanitarianism?

I clicked on my link from my recent Beliefnet post about FUUSE censorship of yours truly to the Unitarian Jihad Name Generator to ensure that the link was working properly. The Unitarian Jihad Name that it generated was 'Brother Atom Bomb of Warm Humanitarianism'. I couldn't help but think that it would be a quite appropriate Unitarian Jihad name for self-proclaimed "Cosmic Humanist" Unitarian minister Rev. Ray Drennan considering that he abusively and maliciously dropped a highly offensive and quite damaging verbal atomic bomb on yours truly, to say nothing of others. . .

How's that for "Name-calling" Jonny Fire? ;-)

Let me say it again. . .

If God's not on my side.

And just maybe God is. . .

Google sure is!

Thanks again Google for helping "The Emerson Avenger" strike again!

Allah Prochaine,

The Dagger Of Sweet Reason


indrax said…
What are your thoughts on the golden rule?
Robin Edgar said…
Do unto UUs as they do unto you. . . ;-)

But seriously on the whole I fully agree with the Golden Rule. My protest has everything to do with the fact that Montreal Unitarians and the UU religious community more generally have abjectly failed and even quite obstinately refused to live up to the Golden Rule. . .

My Unitarian Jihad will continue until UUs do unto me, and indeed other human beings who have suffered insult, injury or both at the hand of UUs. . . as they would have Us do unto them.

Allah prochaine,

The Sweet Dagger Of Reason
indrax said…
What do you think of the differences between the golden rule , and say, the 'Wiccan Rede'
"An Ye Harm None, Do What Ye Will" ?
There are distinctions between them that yeild different obligations. Is one better than the other? Is there a way in which they are both deficient?
If so, What would be a more ideal formulation?