Will Asked For It Will Got It. . .

Will Shetterly expressed his disappointment that I had failed to respond to a comment that he had made in his 'Things I Hate About Unitarian Universalism' thread on his 'It's All One Thing' blog.

Here is my response to Will Shetterly's comment -

Hi Will,

You said in your email - "I was a little disappointed that you didn't respond to my last comment to you in this thread."

Here you go.

Feel better now?

The democratic process did not just fall apart in my case. Make no mistake. . . It was willfully disregarded and indeed knowingly and willfully manipulated by Montreal UUs. Montreal UUs, and indeed other UUs, have not only willfully disregarded and degraded the democratic process within UUism but they have even flaunted our greater society's democratic principles and ideals, and civil rights and liberties etc., in various other ways as well.

:On the other hand, it's clear that you don't understand Unitarian Universalism.

I understand Unitarian Universalism very well I think. I understand that much of what UUism claims in its publicity and propaganda is what you call "FOX NEWS" and what most other people, including yours truly, call complete unadulerated bullshit. I can smell the stench of UU hypocrisy and deceit as can most other reasonably intelligent people who have a modicum of human decency and conscience. . .

UUism claims to be a religion where "Revelation Is Not Sealed!" but when I claim a bona fide Revelation of God UUs fall all over themselves to try to seal that revelation in a corpse-cold UU tomb labeled "crazy" "psychotic" "nutcase" etc.

UUism claims to be a "church" where "The word of the prophet still flows." but when I "prophesy" in various ways UUs go to extreme lengths to try to suppress and silence my "prophesying", even going so far as to try to criminalize my "prophetic" public protest activities by having me falsely arrested on trumped up "public nuisance" criminal charges that didn't even stand up to three very simple questions in court. . .

Most of the UUs that I know have made a complete mockery of all of the purported Principles and Purposes of UUism, as well as various other claimed UU ideals such as, indeed especially. . . the quite evidently utterly fraudulent Unitarian Universalist claim to be "opposed to censorship" by church or state. . .

:You say,"If UUs practiced what they preached they would "respond in responsibility to the Spirit that bloweth where it listeth" and engage in a genuinely free and *responsible* search fotr the truth and meaning of my claimed revelation of God."

And I stand 100% by that statement.

:To a Unitarian Universalist, your search for truth is your responsibility. There are Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu, pagan, agnostic, and atheist UUs, as well as UUs who have very personal spiritual beliefs. None of them is obliged to search for the "truth and meaning" that anyone else has found.

I strongly disagree. The key word here is "responsibility". According to their own stated Principles, and other claimed ideals, UUs do in fact have a "responsibility" and are thus a moral and ethical "obligation" to respond in genuine "responsibility" to any and all "new truth", "prophecy", or "revelation" (gotcha. . .) that may be presented to, or indeed found by. . . (gotcha again) the UU "religious community". According to, or at the very least implied in, their own stated principles and ideals UUs do in fact have a "responsibility" reassesss and modify their beliefs, religious or otherwise. . . when they are confronted by any "new truth" that warrants a reassessment and subsequent modification of their beliefs. Despite wide-spread rumours to the contrary UUs are most certainly NOT supposed to be able to believe any damn thing that they choose to believe, although many UUs quite evidently believe that they can do just that. . .

:You also say: "If UUs responsibly helped to validate my claim revelation it would provide a religious "home" from which the revelation could then be shared with other religions."

:UUs do not have any responsibility to validate anyone's claim.

I strongly disagree once again. Here are some UU statements that clearly state or imply that UUs do in fact have a "responsibility" to not only be open to, but to attempt to "responsibly" validate, and then "responsibly" act upon "new truth" aka "revelation" and/or "prophecy" -

If indeed "revelation is not sealed," then we must remain open to the possibility of new and higher truths that may come to us from diverse sources . . .


One of the assumptions Unitarian Universalists embrace is the notion that revelation is not sealed, but open and continuous. Truth is not sealed, but open and continuous. . . But the genius of a liberal faith is that it stays open to new possibilities. It is in a position to hear the moanings, the rumblings, the protests of those who find themselves outside the box, outside equality, outside democracy. We can hear because we believe that revelation and truth are not sealed.


We live in times when coherent prophecy is sorely needed, not to mention people who hear its call and act on it.


(BTW The above statement is the utmost hypocrisy coming from Tom Stites who has repeatedly turned willfully deaf ears to my "coherent prophecy" and has refused to publish it in the UU World magazine. . .)

We fall short of understanding the full nature of prophecy (and of the prophetic task of the church) if we think of the prophets merely as critics...In the great ages of prophecy the prophets...stood not only at the edge of their own culture but also before the imminent shape of new and better things to come. At times of impending change and decision, they have seen the crisis as the crisis of an age; they have felt called to foresee the coming of a new epoch.

James Luther Adams, "The Prophethood of All Believers," in The Prophethood of All Believers

Last but by no means least -

This much we can say. A church that does not concern itself with the struggle in history for human decency and justice, a church that does not show concern for the shape of things to come, a church that does not attempt to interpret the signs of the times, is not a prophetic church. The prophetic liberal church is not a church where the prophetic function is assigned merely to the few. The prophetic liberal church is the church in which persons think and work together to interpret the signs of the times in light of their faith, to make explicit through discussion the epochal thinking that the times demand. The prophetic liberal church is the church in which all members share the common responsibility to foresee the consequences of human behavior (both individual and institutional), with the intention of making history in place of being merely pushed around by it.

Do we as religious liberals have access to the religious resources for this surpassing of the present? If not, the time will come when others will have to say to us what Henry IV said to the tardy Crillon after victory had been won, "Hang yourself, brave Crillon! We fought at Arques, and you were not there."

James Luther Adams, "Taking Time Seriously," in The Prophethood of All Believers

Guess which "church" is "not a prophetic church" according to James Luther Adams' stated criteria for a "prophetic church" in spite of all of its outrageously hypocritical claims to the contrary. . .

"Hang yourself, brave UUs! We fought at Montreal, we fought at Quebec, we even fought at 25 Beacon Street in Boston, but you were not there."

:If your claim is valid to you, it's valid to you and doesn't need validation from anyone else.

If my claim is genuinely "valid" for me then it is genuinely "valid" for every single human being on this planet. . . If my claim is "valid" it is a very significant revelation of God that reveals a spectacular "Sign in the Heavens" that serves as a regularly recurring cosmic symbol of God's divine omniscience. It is totally irresponsible for the Unitarian Universalist religious community to not only obstinately ignore my claimed revelation of God but to allow UUs, including intolerant, hostile and outright abusive UU clergy, to abusively and maliciously attempt to discredit and deny my claimed revelation and to attempt to suppress and silence my prophecy.


Robin Edgar
