Does UUA President Peter Morales *Really* Invite U*Us To Stand On The Side Of Love For The Emerson Avenger?

To say nothing of every other person of inherent worth and dignity who outrageously hypocritical U*Us have seen *fit* to demonize and marginalize?

Time will tell. . .

Won't it U*Us?

Here are some sound bites from that U*UTube video of UUA President Peter Morales promoting the UUA's Standing On The Side Of Love Campaign and my comments that I have submitted to it -

UUA President Peter Morales -

"Every single person matters and. . . it's simply wrong to demonize or marginalize someone just because they somehow belong to a different group or a different tribe."

"When we allow ourselves to treat people and label people marginalization and often violence results, and we simply have to learn to move beyond that, and to me that's what Standing On The Side Of Love™ is all about."

"As the new president of our association I invite you to stand, with me, on the side of love."

My comments -

"As you know Peter, Christians and other God believing people are regularly demonized and marginalized in atheist dominated U*U churches because they belong to another group or "tribe". U*Us continuously allow themselves to (mis)treat people and label people in ways that marginalize them. I have been labeled as "psychotic" and had my religious activities maliciously labeled as a "cult" by intolerant U*Us. When will the UUA stand on the side of love of love for me and provide restorative justice?"

"The fact of the matter is that the UUA has turned a willfully blind eye to the anti-religious intolerance and bigotry that I and other people have been subjected to in so-called Unitarian "churches" for over a decade now."

"Individual U*U "churches" can be and are atheist dominated and *that* is what I was clearly talking about AA. Also, the UUA and/or CUC administrations could be dominated by the atheist faction of U*Us. I have very reasonable grounds to believe that Canadian U*U "churches" are largely atheistic.

There is incontrovertible documentary evidence proving that the UUA dismissed my complaints about Rev. Ray Drennan's anti-religious intolerance and bigotry and even effectively endorsed it."

"Unitarian*Universalists talk about "standing on the side of love" for victims of oppression and marginalization of various kinds but abjectly fail and obstinately refuse to "stand on the side of love" for victims of U*U clergy misconduct and other acts of oppression and marginalization committed by Unitarian*Universalists themselves."
