Mayfair Residential™ Elongated Cherry Wood Veneer Toilet Seat Covers And The U*U Movement™ aka U*Uism - What's The *Connection*?!!

Just asking U*Us. . . :-)

Gotta love that Home Depot motto cum marketing slogan or vice versa.

No U*Us?

Maybe The U*U Movement™ could take a Big Fat U*U Cue from it, aka plagU*Urize it, and come up with something like -

Less Talking * More Doing

or, in light of Ms. Kitty's recent "honourable mention" in the Wall Street Journal article en*titled 'Before You Gossip, Ask Yourself This U*Us...', and interconnected and interdependent blog posts by The Emerson Avenger titled 'Killing U*U Gossip With Vengeance' and 'The Unhealthiness Of The Unkindness Of The U*Us' as *well* as by Big Fat "Lone Star State" U*U aka Texas U*U David Throop in*appropriately titled 'What Would Make U*U Churches Less Shitty?'. . .

More Civility * Less Doo*Dooing

This "less than chivalrous" Emerson Avenger blog post *courtesy* of The Dark Knight Of The U*U World™. :-)


Kunal said…
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Kunal said…
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Kunal said…
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Kunal said…
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This is indeed a very cool Mayfair Residential™ Elongated Cherry Wood Veneer Toilet Seat Covers And The U*U Movement™ aka U*Uism - What's The *Connection* post. I hope everybody gets a chance to read this cool post.
Robin Edgar said…
Ya, so do I. . .

Thanks for the SPAM Wonderful SPAM. :-)
For the large number of riders who do not find their stock seat comfortable, the best solution is a new seat “from the bottom up.” There are a few aftermarket seat manufacturers that create seats from scratch.
Kunal said…
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