A Nursery Rhyme Poem for Big Fat U*U Children Including The Geriatric Ones Who Are Well On Their Way To Being Actual Corpse-Cold Unitarians. . .

Instead of just figurative "corpse-cold Unitarians". . .

Actually I take that back.

I wouldn't insult most of the children I know by comparing them to the stunningly hypocritical and remarkably foolish U*Us I know, most of whom are definitely "old enough to know better" than to say and do the stupid and harmful things they do in fact say and do, but none-the-less boldly and brazenly go where most people wouldn't dream of going and do them anyway. . . No, describing hypocritical U*Us as "childish" is an insult to most of the children I know who seem to have a much better sense of right and wrong than many if not most of the Unitarian*Universalists I have the misfortune to know.

For Want Of A Teensy Tiny U*U Nail. . .

For want of a nail the shoe was lost.

For want of a shoe the horse was lost.

For want of a horse the rider was lost.

For want of a rider the battle was lost.

For want of a battle the kingdom was lost.

And all for the want of a horseshoe nail.

end quote

Now *that's* what I call nailing hypocritical U*Us to the Big Fat U*U Wall they construct from their own "bricks" of U*U "shit".

Source: A Nursery Rhyme Poem for Children
